As "Hoofdopzichter" (Chief Supervisor) at the inauguration of the government railways in Amsterdam, in the his distinguished outfit as Chief Supervisor.

Ref: Rex HM, 1974. Die lewe en werk van Sytes Wopkes Wierda in Nederland met verwysing na sy betekenis vir die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (The life and work of Sytes Wopkes Wierda in the Netherlands with reference to what he meant for the South African Republic). Pretoria. Unpublished PhD: 143

Photographer: Unidentified

In the year of his inception of service as "Government Engineer and Architect"

Ref: Rex HM, 1974. Die lewe en werk van Sytes Wopkes Wierda in Nederland met verwysing na sy betekenis vir die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (The life and work of Sytes Wopkes Wierda in the Netherlands with reference to what he meant for the South African Republic). Pretoria. Unpublished PhD: 343

Photographer: Unidentified

Portrait - Head of Public Works - 1897

Ref: Rex HM, 1974. Die lewe en werk van Sytes Wopkes Wierda in Nederland met verwysing na sy betekenis vir die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (The life and work of Sytes Wopkes Wierda in the Netherlands with reference to what he meant for the South African Republic). Pretoria. Unpublished PhD: 437

Photographer: Unidentified