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List of Projects

RAU, Oscar Adolph Ernest

Born: 1880


Born in Germany and educated at Breslau in Germany, where he exhibited and won some prizes for drawings, Rau came to Natal in 1903 and settled in Vryheid where he practised until at least 1914, executing the Carnegie Library in Vryheid of which plans still exist. He may have returned to Germany on the outbreak of the First World War. It seems likely that he was responsible for a number of buildings in Vryheid and the surrounding district between 1903 and at least 1914.

(Hillebrand 1975:197; Hillebrand 1986; NWW 1906:162)

All truncated references not fully cited in 'References' are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.

List of projects

With photographs
With notes

Carnegie Library: 1908. Vryheid, KwaZulu-Natal - Architect
Information Centre: 1908. Vryheid, KwaZulu-Natal - Architect