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Ladismith district, Western Cape

Adam G DE SMIDT: Contractor
Adam G DE SMIDT: Engineer
Client:Sotth African Roads
Type:Mountain Pass

Initially surveyed by Mr Woodifield and preparatory works done by 108 convicts under supervision of Mr Apsey until Adam De SMIDT took over, having been engaged in repairs to Meiringspoort after severe flooding. It is said that the name derives from the preacher Louis Zerwick of the Berlin Mission Society who did good works in the district.

All truncated references not fully cited below are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.

Books that reference Seweweekspoort

Coyne, Patrick. 2010. A guide to South Africa's mountain passes and poorts. Westville: Osborne Porter Literary Services. pg 134-136