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Click to view map Coordinates: | Portside Tower is 'n 139 m hoë gebou in die Kaapse middestad. Dit is in 2014 voltooi nadat bouwerk op 12 Augustus 2012 begin het, en is die stad se hoogste gebou. Dis die eerste noemenswaardige toringgebou wat in 15 jaar in die middestad gebou is. Die gesamentlike eienaars is FirstRand Bank (FNB, RMB, Wesbank en Ashburton) en Old Mutual. Die bank benut self van die gebou se kantoor- en kleinhandelruimte terwyl Old Mutual kantoorruimte aan prima-kliënte verhuur. Die gebou het 32 verdiepings en sy vloeroppervlak beslaan meer as 50 000 m². Portside Tower is 139 m high in Central Cape Town. It was completed in 2014 after construction started on 12 August 2012, and is the city's highest building. It is the first significant tower-block to be built in 15 years in the city centre. The combined owners are FirstRand Bank (FNB, RMB, Wesbank and Ashburton) and Old Mutual. The bank itself uses part of the building as offices and retail areas while Old Mutual leases office space to prime clients. The building has 32 floors and the floor area exceeds 50 000 m². Architecture firm Louis Karol Architects |