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Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk
Mahikeng, North West

Hendrik VERMOOTEN: Architect

Type:Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Church


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25°51'44.65" S 25°38'45.91" E Alt: 1286m

Mafikeng se NG kerkraad het Vermooten op 23 Augustus 1957 as argitek aangestel vir die gemeente se nuwe kerkgebou. Die hoeksteenlegging was op 31 Oktober 1959.
(Morné van Rooyen)

The Mafikeng NG church council commissioned Vermooten on 23 August 1957 as architect for the congregation's new church building. The cornerstone was laid on 31 October 1959.

The church was inaugurated on 11 June 1960.