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Click to view map Coordinates: | 'n Baster, Adam Jacobs, het die Peperbus [Pepper-box] in 1861 opgerig na 'n plan deur ds. Bamberger. Die oorspronklike bedoeling was dat dit die markhuis moes wees en die klok die opening van die mark moes aankondig. Die mark was gou iets van die verlede, maar daarna het die Peperbus diens gedoen as die magistraat se privaat kantoor, die dorp se eerste biblioteek, die stadsklerk se kantoor, kerkkantoor en studeerkamer van die hulpprediker. Munisipale stemmings is al daarin gehou en later het dit gedien as bergplek van die ACVV [Afrikaanse Christelike Vrouevereniging] se hospitaalmeubels. Omstreeks 1951 was dit die skoolraadskantoor. In die sestigerjare van die 20ste eeu het die stadsraad dit aan 'n komitee afgestaan sodat dit as museum kon dien, maar teen 2013 het dit leeggestaan. Dis ’n nasionale gedenkwaardigheid, maar kort aandag. A Baster, Adam Jacobs, built the Pepper Pot in 1861 from a plan by ds. Bamberger. The original intention was that it would be the market building and the bell would announce the opening of the market. The market was soon something of the past, but the Pepper Pot then served as the private office of the magistrate, the town's first library, the office of the town clerk, church office and study of the assistant minister. Municipal voting has been held in the building and later it was a store for the ACWM [Afrikaner Christian Women's Movement] hospital furniture. About 1951 it was the office of the school committee. In the sixties of the 20th century the town council conceded it to a committee so that it could serve as a museum, but by 2013 it was standing empty. It is a national monument, but needs attention. Books that reference Peperbus - Pepper Pot