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Queen's Hotel
Sea Point, Cape Town, Western Cape

George Murray ALEXANDER: Architect
William Hood (Billy) GRANT: Architect
JONES and DAY: Architect

Date:1887 : 1923 : 1936

The hotel was originally built in 1887 designed by GM ALEXANDER, postcard right. At some stage pre 1916 there were extensive additions, as can be seen from the advertisement of that date on the right. In 1923 more additions were done to the design of WH GRANT (SAB Jun 1923:16). Further additions and alterations were done in 1936 by JONES & DAY (SAB Jun 1936:48) with RFR DAY probably being the design architect as he mentions it in his FRIBA nomination papers in 1944.

This hotel was replaced by the Hotel President in 1967, which in turn was rebuilt and renamed the President Hotel in 1998.

Books that reference Queen's Hotel

Brown, AS & Brown GG (eds.). 1916. The Guide to South and East Africa For The Use of Tourists, Sportsmen, Invalids & Settlers. 22nd Edition.. Cape Town: Sampson Low, Marston & Co. (For the Union-Castle Mail Steamship Co). pg Adverts pg 15
Johnson, Brian Andrew. 1987. Domestic architecture at the Cape, 1892-1912 : Herbert Baker, his associates and his contemporaries. Cape Town: Unpublished Thesis UNISA. pg 360
Radford, D. 1979. The architecture of the Western Cape, 1838-1901. A study of the impact of Victorian aesthetics and technology on South African architecture. Johannesburg: Unpublished Ph.D thesis. Dept of Arch. University of the Witwatersrand. pg 110
Walker, Michael. 2015. Old hotels of Cape Town (1890-1911), The : A history long forgotten, seldom told. St James: Published Privately. pg 66