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Victoria Club
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal

Philip Maurice DUDGEON: Architect 1879
William Henry POWELL: Architect 1895
John Collingwood TULLY: Architect c1923
Ira Kingston ASKHAM: Architect 1936

Date:1879 : 1895 : c1923 : 1936
Street:Longmarket St

There are four architects associated with this building with four different dates. Whether the first three where re-builds or alterations is not known. The fourth, 1936, is the addition of a Ladies' Lounge.

Books that reference Victoria Club

Hillebrand, Melanie. 1975. Aspects of architecture in Natal, 1880-1914. Pietermaritzburg: Unpublished MA. Dept Fine Art and History of Art, University of Natal. pg 196