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Mountain View Hotel
Central Cape Town, Western Cape

PARKER and FORSYTH: Architect 1905 upgrades

Date:n.d. : 1905
Street:Green/Long Sts


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Alt: 23m


Original date unknown. Parker and Forsyth’s 1905 upgrades were a new kitchen and scullery with extract flue (Walker 2015: 73).

When John Rennie inspected the building in 1977 it was still known as the Mountain View Hotel (Rennie 1978:247). It currently (2022) houses a pub The Dubliner downstairs, and Kennedy's Cigar Lounge club upstairs.

All truncated references not fully cited below are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.

Books that reference Mountain View Hotel

Rennie, John for CPIA. 1978. The Buildings of Central Cape Town 1978. Volume Two : Catalogue. Cape Town: Cape Provincial Institute of Architects. pg 247 item 75.1
Walker, Michael. 2015. Old hotels of Cape Town (1890-1911), The : A history long forgotten, seldom told. St James: Published Privately. pg 73