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Silver Tree Bar
Central Cape Town, Western Cape

PARKER and FORSYTH: Architect 1905 upgrades
Date:n.d. : 1905
Street:32 Waterkant Street


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33°55'09.20" S 18°25'15.89" E Alt: 30m

Single storey, 4 bay, narrow frontage.

Red brick dado, golden brown faggot facings and arching, teak doors and windows (Georgian Revival fanlights, small pane sashes). Plaster parapets and projecting parapet brackets, red painted 'Broseley' tiles. Left hand narrow lane. Old central city site. Pocock panorama c1884 shows 2 storey parapeted front with pitched roof behind. Suspect present building major c1940 rebuild, possible old fabric within.

[Rennie 1978:35]

Originally the Silver Tree Hotel, it later became the Silver Tree Bar. Parker and Forsyth added a bathroom and water-closet on the first floor in 1905 (Walker 2015: 73).

Books that reference Silver Tree Bar

Rennie, John for CPIA. 1978. The Buildings of Central Cape Town 1978. Volume Two : Catalogue. Cape Town: Cape Provincial Institute of Architects. pg 35 item 43.8
Walker, Michael. 2015. Old hotels of Cape Town (1890-1911), The : A history long forgotten, seldom told. St James: Published Privately. pg 73