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Des Munroe
Central Cape Town, Western Cape

Type:Offices with shops to street
Street:15,17 Loop Street, 37 Riebeeck Street, Sea Street


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Alt: 31m

Semi Basement and Ground and 2 floors, concrete framed. Verandah, balcony on Loop Street, precast columns, faggot bases.

Ground : chrome shop windows, main doors teak.

Upper floors : steel industrial and timber casements (possibly top floor later build), stylised division into bays, pilasters. Facades rise to modelled parapet, also central pediment on Loop Street with attached tassles etc., suspect c1935.

(Rennie 1978:42)

Books that reference Des Munroe

Rennie, John for CPIA. 1978. The Buildings of Central Cape Town 1978. Volume Two : Catalogue. Cape Town: Cape Provincial Institute of Architects. pg 42 item 43.28