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Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk
Fraserburg, Northern Cape

Hendrik VERMOOTEN: Architect
FP VAN HEERDEN: Contractor

Type:Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Church


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31°54'50.85" S 21°30'35.09" E Alt: 1265m

The cornerstone was laid on 26 November 1955 and the church was inaugurated on the weekend of 8 and 9 September 1956. The railings (see photograph) around the church were ordered in 1892 from Scotland; they survived the demolition of the first church in 1955.
(Morné van Rooyen, 2014; 2016)

Books that reference Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Maeder, GA & Zinn, C. 1917. Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren. Capetown: Cape Times. pg 82