Search by authorSearch by title | | Book ListThis is a list of books about, or by practitioners involved with, the Southern African Built Environment
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| Select the first initial of the Author's surname. Don’t be confused if the list of authors does not start with the letter you chose one of the authors of the book will have that letter starting their surname. | |  | M. E. R. & Rothmann, A 1960 The Drostdy at Swellendam Swellendam Drostdy Commission
| |  | Mackenzie, Barbara 1981 Salt River Doctor Cape Town Faircape Books
| |  | Mackintosh, Liz 2004 The tale of a school : Uplands Preparatory School 1928-2003 White River Uplands Preparatory School
| |  | Macmillan, Allister 193-? The golden city London W.H. & L. Collingridge
| |  | Macmillan, Allister 1933 Environs of the Golden City and Pretoria Cape Town Cape Times
| |  | MacMillan, Allister & Rosenthal, Eric 1948 Homes of the Golden City Cape Town Hortors
| |  | Macphail, EM 1986 Story of Westcliff, The : a chronicle of a kind Johannesburg Palala Press
| |  | Maeder, GA & Zinn, C 1917 Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren Capetown Cape Times
| |  | Malan, Antonia & Vernacular Architecture Society of South Africa 2005 Studies and debates in vernacular architecture in the Western Cape : Durbanville, 20 November 2004 South Africa Vernacular Architecture Society of South Africa
| |  | Malan, Antonia; Halkett, D J; Hart, Timothy James Graham & Schietecatte, Liesbet 2017 Grave encounters : archaeology of the burial grounds, Green Point, South Africa Cape Town ACO Associates cc
| |  | Malan, Christoph & McInerney, Patrick 2001 The Making of an African building : The Mpumalanga Provincial Government Complex Johannesburg MPTS Architectural Library
| |  | Malan, Christoph & McInerney, Patrick 2003 Building an African Icon : The Northern Cape Provincial Government Complex Johannesburg MPTS Architectural Library
| |  | Malan, Jacques; Van Zyl, Petra & Hölscher, Marianne 1992 D Wangemann drawings of two mission journeys to South Africa : Zeichnungen von den beiden Missionsreisen in Südafrika
Pretoria National Cultural History Museum
| |  | Malherbe, JE 1996 History of Franschhoek, The [History Series Nr 1] Franschhoek Huguenot Memorial Museum
| |  | Marais, Christine 1986 Windhoek : Our Heritage / Ons Erfenis / Unser Erbe Goodwood Gamsberg
| |  | Marais, Jacobus Johannes 1977 De Aar : Stad in wording 1902-1977 De Aar De Aar Vyf-en-sewentigjarige Feeskomitee
| |  | Maree, Naomi n.d. Wonings word erfstukke Johannesburg Daan Retief Uitgewers
| |  | Mariette Gouws & M Eleonora Petitpierre 1977 All for God's people : 100 years : Dominican Sisters : King William's Town King Williams Town Queenstown Printing
| |  | Marincowitz, Helena 1991 Heroldsbaai : romantiese landstrand aan die Suid-Kus Oudtshoorn H Marincowitz
| |  | Marincowitz, Helena; Barrella, Lydia & Fransie Pienaar Museum 2000 The old gables of Prince Albert and in the district Prince Albert Fransie Pienaar Museum
| |  | Marincowitz, Helena 2002 Victorian Buildings in Prince Albert Prince Albert Fransie Pienaar Museum
| |  | Marincowitz, Helena 2008 Karoostyle : folk architecture of Prince Albert and environs Prins Albert Fransie Pienaar Museum
| |  | Marschall, Sabine & Kearney, Brian 2000 Opportunities for relevance: architecture in the new South Africa Pretoria UNISA Press
| |  | Martienssen, Heather & University of the Witwatersrand 1960 Knowledge and the fine arts : inaugural lecture Johannesburg University of the Witwatersrand
| |  | Martienssen, Heather & Harmsen, Frieda 1973 Art and articles: in honour of Heather Martienssen Cape Town A.A. Balkema
| |  | Martienssen, Heather 1976 The shapes of structure London ; New York Oxford University Press
| |  | Martienssen, Heather & Kossick, SG 1984 Insights : selected essays of Heather Martienssen Craighall Donker
| |  | Martienssen, Heather; Petherbridge, Deanna & Millinery Works (London) 2004 Cecily Sash London Millinery Works
| |  | Martienssen, Heather Margaret 1949 An inquiry concerning the architectural theory and practice of Sir William Chambers, R.A. London University of London, Thesis (Ph. D.)
| |  | Martienssen, Rex Distin 1956 The idea of space in Greek architecture, with special reference to the Doric temple and its setting Johannesburg Witwatersrand University Press
| |  | Martienssen, Rex Distin 1972 La idea del espacio en la arquitectura griega : con especial referencia al templo dórico y a su emplazamiento Buenos Aires Ediciones Nueva Vision
| |  | Martin, Desmond 2005 The Bishop's churches Cape Town Struik
| |  | Martin, Desmond 2007 Walking Long Street Cape Town Struik
| |  | Martin, Marilyn 2019 Between Dreams and Realities : A History of the South African National Gallery, 1871-2017 Noordhoek Print Matters Heritage
| |  | Martin, Marilyn H 1980 Philip Maurice Dudgeon, architect: his work in Natal during period 1877-1888 seen against his background of Victorian Britain and Natal Johannesburg Unpublished MArch. thesis University of the Witwatersrand
| |  | Martinson, William 2010 The Bhunga Building Nelson Mandela Museum Mthatha : Proposed Museum Upgrade : Heritage Impact Assessment East London Osmond Lange Architects for Impendulo Design Architects
| |  | Mason, Revil 1986 Origins of black people of Johannesburg and the southern western central Transvaal AD 350 - 1880 Johannesburg R.J. Mason
| |  | Mason, Revil 1987 Origins of the African People of the Johannesburg Area Johannesburg Skotsville Education Division
| |  | Mathews, P.J. 2018 Cool Capital Guerrilla Design Magazine Pretoria Visual Books
| |  | Mathews, P.J. 2018 Saadjies: 100+ travelling miniature sculptures from South Africa Pretoria Visual Books
| |  | Mathews, P.J. (Ed) 2021 Musings: Architecture, photography, essays and art on the works of Mathews and Associates architects Pretoria Protea Book house
| |  | Mathews, Pieter J 2003 Architexture Pretoria Visual Books
| |  | Mathews, Pieter J 2007 Detail housed Pretoria Visual Books
| |  | Mathews, Pieter J (ed) 2011 Contemporary Capital: an architectural journal Pretoria Visual Books
| |  | Mathews, Pieter J & Taljaard (now Spies), Carla 2015 Cool Capital Biennale Pretoria Visual Books
| |  | Mathews, Pieter J 2022 Towards an architecture of explorative divergence: An autoethnographic interrogation of explorative divergence as a mode of design and practice underpinning the oeuvre of Mathews and Associates Architects Bloemfontein University of the Free State
| |  | Maxwell, Donald 1924 Wembley in colour : being both an impression and a memento of the British Empire exhibition of 1924 London Longmans
| |  | McHarg, Ian L 1969 Design with nature New York Published for the American Museum of Natural History [by] the Natural History Press
| |  | McIntyre, Donald G 1950 The Diocesan College, Rondebosch, South Africa: a century at Bishop's Cape Town Juta
| |  | McLachlan, Gavin 1993 The Dream Houses of Mill Park Port Elizabeth Department of Architecture, University of Port Elizabeth
| |  | McLachlan, Gavin 1997 Towards a sustainable conservation plan for Central Port Elizabeth. Volume 1: Survey Methodology Port Elizabeth Department of Architecture, University of Port Elizabeth
| |  | McLachlan, Gavin 1997 Towards a sustainable conservation plan for Central Port Elizabeth. Volume 2: Conserving Central Port Elizabeth Department of Architecture, University of Port Elizabeth
| |  | McLachlan, GR; Liversidge, R & Lighton, Norman CK 1963 Revised Edition 4th Impression edition Roberts birds of South Africa Cape Town The Trustees of the South African Bird Book Fund distributed by the Central News Agency
| |  | McMillan, C 1980 Design and Construction of the Lukasrand Microwave Tower, Pretoria
The Arup Journal, 15(1)
| |  | McWilliams, Herbert Hastings 1934 The diabolical London Duckworth
| |  | McWilliams, Herbert Hastings 1973 A RETROSPECTIVE EXHIBITION of Naval Drawings and Water Colours from World War II - 1939-1945 Port Elizabeth King George VI Art Gallery
| |  | Meer, Fatima 1969 Portrait of Indian South Africans Durban Avon House
| |  | Meintjes, Johannes 1964 A Lomax: Portrait of a South African Village - Molteno 1894-1909 Molteno Bamboesberg
| |  | Meiring, Hannes 1977 Boukunsskatte van Suid-Afrika Kaapstad en Pretoria Human & Rousseau
| |  | Meiring, Hannes 1980 Pretoria 125 Cape Town Human & Rousseau
| |  | Meiring, Hannes; Van der Waal, G-M; Grütter, Wilhelm & Jonker, Anna 1986 Early Johannesburg, its buildings and its people Cape Town Human & Rousseau
| |  | Meiring, Hannes 2004 my country in line and colour : an unconventional look at South African architecture
Vlaeberg Fernwood Press
| |  | Menache, Philippe & David, Darryl Earl 2010 101 Country Churches of South Africa South Africa Booktown Richmond Press
| |  | Menache, Philippe & David, Darryl Earl 2012 A Platteland Pilgrimage : 102 country churches of South Africa
South Africa Booktown Richmond Press
| |  | Menache, Philippe & David, Darryl Earl 2015 Church tourism in South Africa : a travel odyssey South Africa Self-published by Philippe Menache and Darryl Earl David
| |  | Menache, Philippe & Wolff, Helmut 2021 die NG Kerk, ons erfenis : 'n fotoversameling van die argitektoniese skatte van 139 NG kerke in SA Not identified Not identified
| |  | Mendelsohn, Richard 1991 Sammy Marks : the uncrowned king of the Transvaal Cape Town David Philip, Ohio University Press in association with Jewish Publications-South Africa
| |  | Mendelsohn, Richard & Shain, Milton 2016 The Jews in South Africa : an illustrated history Jeppestown Jonathan Ball
| |  | Merkel, H (ed) 1952 Builders' & Engineers' Year Book Johannesburg Merkels Publications
| |  | Mertens, Alice 1979 Stellenbosch Cape Town Human & Rousseau
| |  | Methven, Cathcart W 1886 Sketches of Greenock and its harbours in 1886 Greenock James McKelvie & Sons
| |  | Methven, Cathcart W & Cape of Good Hope. Ministerial Department of Public Works 1901 Report on the existing and proposed harbour improvements, Port Alfred Cape Town W.A. Richards & Sons
| |  | Methven, Cathcart W & Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) 1902 Mossel Bay Harbour works Cape Town Cape Times Ltd.
| |  | Methven, Cathcart W & Cape of Good Hope (South Africa). Department of Public Works 1902 St. John's harbour survey Cape Town Cape Times Ltd.
| |  | Methven, Cathcart W 1902 Table Bay, proposed reclamation of foreshore at Cape Town Cape Times
| |  | Methven, Cathcart William 1891 Sketches of Durban and its harbour in 1891 Durban P. Davis
| |  | Methven, Cathcart William & Grahamstown and Port Alfred Chamber of Commerce 1901 Report on Port Alfred Harbour Grahamstown J. Slater
| |  | Methven, Cathcart William & Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) 1902 Kalk Bay : proposed fishery harbour Cape Town Cape Times
| |  | Methven, Cathcart William; Tudsbery, JHT & Institution of Civil Engineers (Great Britain) 1906 The harbours of South Africa : with special reference to the causes and treatments of sand-bars London Published by the Institution
| |  | Methven, Cathcart William; Crofts, Charles James & Tudsbery, JHT 1914 Durban harbour, South Africa London The Institution
| |  | Methven, Cathcart William 1925 Durban's harbour : the Wilson-Nicholson report : comments and criticisms Pietermaritzburg Natal Witness
| |  | Methven, Cathcart William (Editor) 1924 A Century of progress in Natal, 1824-1924 : being the centenary number of the Natal Witness Maritzburg Natal Witness
| |  | Meuser, Philipp & Dalbai, Adil (Eds) 2021 Theorising Architecture in Sub-Saharan Africa : Perspectives, Questions, and Concepts Berlin DOM publishers
| |  | Meuser, Philipp ; Dalbai, Adil (Editors) 2021 Architectural guide. Sub-Saharan Africa. Volume 7 Southern Africa : between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans Berlin DOM
| |  | Middelberg, Gerrit Adriaan Arnold and Spies, FJ du T 1953 Briewe uit Transvaal van G. A. A. Middelberg Pretoria Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns
| |  | Middleton, GAT (ed) 1907 Modern Buildings, their planning, construction and equipment. vols 1-7. 1907-10 London Caxton
| |  | Midgley, John F 1975 1st edition Kommetjie, CP – its story Kommetjie J F Midgley
| |  | Mikula, P; Kearney, B & Harber, R 1982 Traditional Hindu Temples in South Africa Durban Hindu Temple Publications
| |  | Miller, Sidney & Oakley, Lynn 2000 Images from the past : architectural survey of Eshowe South Africa s.n.
| |  | Mills, Gwen 1982 Westbrooke 1982 Cape Town South African Cultural History Museum
| |  | MINNAAR, Enla 2000 Grondleggende Argitekte van die Departement Openbare Werke in Transvaal tot 1910, hul werk en invloed Pretoria University of Pretoria, unpublished PhD(Arch)
| |  | Miszewski, Maciek 1977 The quality of life : as illustrated by architecture in Southern Africa Cape Town Murray & Stewart Group
| |  | Moerdijk s.a. [1919] Kerkgeboue vir Suidafrika Johannesburg Privately published by the Editor
| |  | Moerdyk, Gerard 1935 Die Geskiedenis van Boukuns Pretoria Van Schaik
| |  | Molhuysen, PC & Blok, PJ 1911-1937 Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek (Deel 3) Leiden AW Sijthoff
| |  | Morgan, Ann Lee & Naylor, Colin (Editors) 1987 [1980] Second Edition edition Contemporary Architects Chicago and London St. James Press
| |  | Morrison, Ian 1987 Durban : a pictorial history. A photographic record of the changing face of the City of Durban, with emphasis on its buildings Cape Town Struik
| |  | Mossop, Dr E. E. 1927 Old Cape Highways Cape Town Maskew Miller
| |  | Mostert, Dirk (Opsteller) 1938 Gedenkboek : van die ossewaens op die pad van Suid-Afrika Kaapstad Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging
| |  | Muller, Dave 2019 Not Child's Play Johannesburg MF Books
| |  | Municipality of Pretoria 1905 Minute of His Worship the Mayor for the Mayoral Year Ending Oct. 25, 1905 Pretoria Wallachs
| |  | Murray, Bruce K 1982 Wits, the early years : a history of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and its precursors, 1896-1939 Johannesburg Witwatersrand University Press
| |  | Murray, Charles 1927 Hamewith, and other poems : Hamewith, A sough o' war, In the country places London Constable
| |  | Murray, Marischal 1964 Under Lion's Head : Earlier days at Green Point and Sea Point Cape Town AA Balkema
| |  | Murray, Tony 2015 Megastructures and masterminds : great feats of civil engineering in southern Africa Cape Town Tafelberg
| |  | Muwanga, Christina 1998 South Africa : a guide to recent architecture London : Köln Ellipsis : Könemann
| |  | Mäki, H 2013 Municipal Engineers in South Africa before 1910 Tampere, Finland Tampere University Press
|  | Bokhorst, Matthys & Martienssen, Heather 1966 Suid-Afrikaanse kuns van die twintigste eeu. Twentieth century South African art. Kaapstad Human & Rousseau
| |  | Boonzaaier, Emile; Malherbe, Candy; Smith, Andy & Berens, Penny 2000 The Cape herders : A history of the Khoikhoi in South Africa Cape Town David Philip
| |  | Bruwer, Dr Johann J & Martinson, William A 2008 Final Report edition Heritage Impact Assessment of the proposed Soweto Power Station Development known as Isango @ Orlando Ekhaya East London / Meyerton Osmond Lange Architects & Planners / Heritage Resources Management
| |  | Delius, Peter; Maggs, Tim & Schoeman, Alex 2014 Forgotten World : the stone-walled settlements of the Mpumalanga escarpment Johannesburg Wits University Press
| |  | Demissie, Fassil & Mary and Leigh Block Gallery 1994? Modern architecture and the design of 'native housing' in South Africa 1925-1955 S.l. s.n.
| |  | Dixon, Roger & Muthesius, Stefan 1978 Victorian Architecture London Thames & Hudson
| |  | Frescura, Franco & Myeza, Joyce 2017 First edition Illustrated glossary of southern African architectural terms; English-isiZulu Pietermaritzburg UKZN Press
| |  | Gaylard, Shaun & McDougall, Brett 2022 RSA 365 : 365 Drawings of South African Architecture Johannesburg Blank Ink Design
| |  | Hughes, Nigel & Methven, Cathcart W 2005 Views in Colonial Natal : a select catalogue raisonné of the Southern African paintings of Cathcart William Methven (1849-1925) Craighall, Johannesburg Mertrade (Proprietary)
| |  | Johnson Barker, Brian; Maclay, George; Steyn, Alfie & Poulter, Neville (Eds) 1987 Off the Beaten Track : Selected Day Drives in Southern Africa Cape Town AA The Motorist Publications (Pty)
| |  | Lange, Mary E; Müller Jansen, Liana; Fisher, Roger C; Tomaselli, Keyan G & Morris, David 2013 Engraved Landscape : Biesje Poort : Many Voices Gordons Bay Jeffreys Bay Tormentoso
| |  | Lauferts le Roux, Monika & Mavunganidze, Judith (editors) 2015 First edition Johannesburg Gas Works, The Johannesburg Fourthwall Books
| |  | Malan, Christoph & McInerney, Patrick 2001 The Making of an African building : The Mpumalanga Provincial Government Complex Johannesburg MPTS Architectural Library
| |  | Malan, Christoph & McInerney, Patrick 2003 Building an African Icon : The Northern Cape Provincial Government Complex Johannesburg MPTS Architectural Library
| |  | Mariette Gouws & M Eleonora Petitpierre 1977 All for God's people : 100 years : Dominican Sisters : King William's Town King Williams Town Queenstown Printing
| |  | Naudé-Moseley, Brent & Moseley, Steve 2009 Route 62 and Overberg [Getaway Guide] Cape Town Sunbird
| |  | Silverman, Melinda & Manoim, Irwin (Eds) 2003 Warmbaths / Belabela / Settlers Urban change in a small South African town Johannesburg School of Architecture, University of the Witwatersrand
| |  | Silverman, Melinda; Manoim, Irwin; Ludman, Barbara & University of the Witwatersrand 2007 Harrismith, Intabazwe : urban change in a small South African town Johannesburg University of the Witwatersrand
| |  | Van Huyssteen, Ters & Meiring, Hannes 1983 Hart van die Boland Cape Town Tafelberg
| |  | Van Riet Lowe, Clarence & Malan, BD 1949 Die Gedenkwaardighede van Suid-Afrika Pretoria Staatsdrukker
| |  | Van Riet Lowe, Clarence; Malan, BD & Commission for the Preservation of Natural and Historical Monuments, Relics and Antiques 1949 The monuments of South Africa : Second, Revised and Enlarged Edition Pretoria Government Printer
| |  | Watson, Donald & Mc Kay, Judith 1984 Directory of Queensland Architects to 1940 St Lucia University of Queensland Library
|  | Fisher, RC; Le Roux, SW & Maré, E (Eds) 1998 Architecture of the Transvaal Pretoria UNISA
| |  | Guedes, Amancio; Guedes, Pedro & Museu Coleção Berardo 2009 Pancho Guedes : Vitruvius Mozambicanus Lisbon, Portugal Museu Coleção Berardo
| |  | Martienssen, Heather; Petherbridge, Deanna & Millinery Works (London) 2004 Cecily Sash London Millinery Works
| |  | Obholzer, Anton; Baraitser, Michael & Malherbe, WD 1985 The Cape house and its interior : an inquiry into the sources of Cape architecture & a survey of built-in early Cape domestic woodwork Stellenbosch Stellenbosch Museum
| |  | Pistorius, Penny (Ed.); Bezzoli, Marco; Marks, Rafael & Kruger, Martin 2002 Texture and memory : The Urbanism of District Six Cape Town Cape Technikon
| |  | Silverman, Melinda; Arvanitakis, Diane & Manoim, Irwin (Eds) 2005 Frankfort / Namahadi - Urban change in a small South African town Johannesburg School of Architecture, University of the Witwatersrand
| |  | Simons, Phillida Brooke; Proust, Alain & Martin, Leni 1996 Groote Schuur : Great Granary to Stately Home Cape Town Fernwood Press
| |  | Smuts, F; Johnman, CK & Malherbe WD 1974 Stellenbosch ons oudste dorp : our oldest village Stellenbosch Stellenbosch 300 Aksie
|  | Reinecke, DO; Byrne, A; Stark, UG & Meyer, T (Eds) 1981 Staatsteater Pretoria '81 Johannesburg The Penrose Press