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Title:Dictionary of South African Biography Volume II
Publisher:Tafelberg for The Human Sciences Research Council

[De Kock, WJ (until 1970), Krüger, DW (since 1971)]

Chapters/Entries in this book

Hager, Carl Otto

Hugo, AM283
Hime, Sir Albert Henry

Leverton, BJT301
Jolivet, Charles Constant

Leverton, BJT343
Methven, Cathcart William

Leverton, BJT470
Middelberg, Gerrit Adriaan Arnold

Spies, FJduT472
Phillips, Sir Lionel

Gutsche, Thelma544
Solomon, Joseph Michael

Gutsche, Thelma682
Stanger, William

Leverton, BJT702
Twells, Edward

Leverton, BJT755
Upton, Robert Sellers

Kearney, B759

People or firms linked to this book

HAGER, Carl Otto. pp 283-284
HIME, Sir Albert Henry. pp 301-302
JOLIVET, Charles Constant. pp 343-344
METHVEN, Cathcart William. pp 470-471
MIDDELBERG, Gerrit Adriaan Arnold. pp 473-474
PHILLIPS, Lionel. pp 544-546
SOLOMON, Joseph Michael. pp 682-683
STANGER, William. pp 702-703
TWELLS, Edward. pp 755
UPTON, Robert Sellars. pp 759-760