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Author:Burton, Alfred William
Title:Sparks from the Border Anvil
Place:King William's Town
Publisher:Provincial Pub. Co.

To the memory of Dr. John Patrick Fitz-Gerald (1815-1897)
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Buildings linked to this book

Fort Linsingen, 1877-1878, Komgha, Eastern Cape. pp 170, Plate LII
Laing Dam, 1945, Qonce (King William's Town), Eastern Cape. pp 230, 231, Plate LXX, PLate LXXI
Maden Dam, 1910, Qonce (King William's Town), Eastern Cape. pp 222
Rooikrans Dam, 1949, Qonce (King William's Town), Eastern Cape. pp 222, Plate LXV, Plate LXVII