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Author:Johnson, Brian Andrew
Title:An art historical study of the architecture of the Southern Cape Peninsula, 1880-1913 : houses and small business premises
Publisher:Unpublished Thesis UNISA

Buildings linked to this book

Clewer, 1901, Kenilworth, Cape Town, Western Cape. pp 437
Glenara, 1883, Rosebank, Cape Town, Western Cape. pp 436
Hawthornden, 1882, Claremont, Cape Town, Western Cape. pp 438
NG Kerk Parsonage - Die Stempastorie, 1900, Simonstown, Western Cape. pp
St Philip's Church, 1898, District Six, Cape Town, Western Cape. pp 360
Timour Hall, c1882, Plumstead, Cape Town, Western Cape. pp 360

People or firms linked to this book

ACKERMANN, Adolphus William. pp fig. 68
ADAMSON, William M. pp
ALEXANDER, John William. pp
BLACK, William Patrick Henry. pp
LAW, Walter Scott. pp 377
REID, Arthur Henry. pp
STENT, Sydney. pp
TIER, Charles Henry. pp