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Author:Fredman, R
Title:Structural concrete in South Africa: Some Observations on the Development of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete from the Time of Van Riebeeck to the Present Day
Publisher:South African Reinforced Concrete Engineers Association
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Buildings linked to this book

Bongolo Dam, 1905 : 1934, Komani (Queenstown), Eastern Cape. pp 48, 49 ill
Chrysler House - Atkinson House, 1938, Johannesburg, Gauteng. pp 65
Paul Sauer Bridge - Storms River, 1954-1956, Storms River, Eastern Cape. pp 97 ill
Road Bridge over the Kowie River - Henry Putt Bridge, 1907, Port Alfred, Eastern Cape. pp 36, 37 ill, 39

People or firms linked to this book

CLARK, William Henry. pp 41-42, 45
LEGG, William Andrew. pp 33
SNAPE, Alfred Ernest. pp 33-35
WALDRON, Frank William. pp 39-40