| | Lexicon Bibliography _____________________________________________________
Architects in South Africa to 1940
A&B : The Architect and Builder (1 (1) Aug 1917 1 (11) Jul 1918); changed to The Architect, Builder and Engineer (Cape Town)
AB&E: The Architect, Builder and Engineer, (2 (1) Aug 1918 25 (7) Oct/Dec 1941) (Cape Town).
Abbott, R.C. 1987, 1988. Personal communications.
Acad Arch : Academy Architecture and Architectural Review, (from July 1889 to 1926) (published annually from 1889; twice yearly from 1895 until 1926
AD: Architectural Design, various issues
Afr Archt: The African Architect, (1 (1) Jun 1911 4 (7) Dec 1914)
Afr N & N : Africana Notes and News, Journal of the Africana Society, various issues
Agnew 1987, 1988, 1989: Mrs Joan Agnew (youngest daughter of J.S. Cleland) 1987, 1988, 1989. personal communications.
Ahrends 1990: S. Ahrends, 1990, personal communication.
AJ : Architects' Journal, various issues.
Albert 1985 :*
Albertyn 1990 : E Albertyn, 1990. Kultuurhistoriese beeld van die Paarl tussen die twee wereldoorloe (1918 1939), proposed D. Phil. University of Stellenbosch.
Album van SA 1958: Album van Suid Afrikanse volksfigure en prominente persone: 1956 1958. (Pretoria, 1958), ed. AJH Boyens, Craft pers.
Allen 1971: V. Allen, Kruger's Pretoria: buildings and personalities of the city in the nineteenth century, (Cape Town, 1971) Balkema.
Altshuler 1987, 1988: B. Altshuler, personal communications.
Andrews 1986: E.D. Andrews, personal communication.
Anglo African who's who and biographical sketch book, (London, 1907), WH Mills, Upcott Gill.
Ancketill * see Wickstead
Architect, The, (various issues).
Architect's Journal, The. Various issues.
Architecture & Planning Aug 1971.
Architectural Record, The, (vol 1, Jul 1891 -)
Architectural Review, The. Various issues
Architecture SA see Arch SA
Arch Rec: Architectural Record, individual issues.
Arch Rev: Architectural Review , individual numbers.
Arch SA Architecture SA , individual numbers. vols 4 16. 1978-
Argus annual and South African directory. 1889 90. Capetown. Argus.
Argus, The. Various issues.
ARIBA nom papers : RIBA Archives Associate nomination papers
Aron et al: H. Aron, Benjamin, A; Chipkin, CM; Zar, S, (Johannesburg 1972), Parktown, 1892 1972. A social and pictorial history. Studio Thirty Five.
AAWW: Anglo-African who's who
Avery Obituary Index
Baker 1934: H. Baker, (London, 1934), Cecil Rhodes by his architect, Herbert Baker, Oxford University Press.
Baker 1944: H. Baker (London 1944), Architecture and personalities, Country Life.
Baker 1985: Henry Baker, youngest son of Sir Herbert Baker, personal comunication 1985.
(Baker 1979 cf Fellowes Prynne*)*
Bamford 1981: B. Bamford, personal communication, 1985 (Cape Times cf SOLOMON)
Barberton Museum et al 1984: Photohistory of Barberton 1884 1984, compiled by Barberton Museum Staff and Hans Bornman 1984.
Barnes Tvl alm & dir: Barnes's Transvaal almanac and directory, 1889. (Pretoria 1889), H Cornforth & A Barnes, Favel, Brown & Co, Pretoria, 1889
Barnett 1990 : RA Barnett, personal communication 1990.
Bawcombe 1976 (?) cf. GREATBATCH
BC: UCT coding system for filing archival material in the Manuscripts and Archives Library, University of Cape Town Libraries.
Beirne 1911: LJ Beirne (ed.), (Johannesburg 1911), Johannesburg Royal Presentation: art endeavours, associations, clubs, communities, institutions, public bodies, regiments and societies, Beirne & Nissen.
Bell 1988: Bell, B (1988) Clement Seneque: life and work, including catalogue raisonne, MA thesis, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg.
Benjamin, Arnold, 1979. Lost Johannesburg. Johannesburg: Macmillan.
Benning, A, 'Reminiscences by a pioneer builder', South African Builder, Dec 1932:11, 13.
Berman 1983: E. Berman (Cape Town 1983), Art and artists of South Africa: An illustrated biographical dictionary and historical survey of painters, sculptors and graphic artists since 1875, Balkema
Biermann 1955: Biermann, BE (Cape Town 1955), Boukuns in Suid Afrika, Balkema.
BIFSA 1979 : Building Industries Federation South Africa, (1979), 75 years of progress. s.n.
Bird 1977: (see LIGHTON).
Bird 1995: Flo Bird, personal comm 1995
BLB: Baker letter books, 1904 1954, the Strange collection. Africana Library. Johannesburg.
Bldg Centre : Building Centre, London.
Bloemfontein directory, 1901.
Bodill, TS. (s.a.) The history and architecture of the Grey High School, Port Elizabeth, Unpubl MS.
Bodill 1983: TS Bodill, 'W White Cooper', Looking Back, the journal of the Society of Port Elizabeth Historical Society, Dec 1983:95 97
Bodill 1985, 1986, 1990: TS Bodill, personal communications (historian, Port Elizabeth Historical Society, editor of Looking Back.
Boerevrou, Die. Various issues.
Boonzaaier 1963 cf. WH LOUW.
Bornman 1986: H Bornman (Pretoria 1986), Carolina: 1886 1986
Bosman 1965: AEP Bosman, (Pretoria 1965), Aan God alleen die eer:'n geskiedenis van die Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Gemeente, Heidelberg, Transvaal, 1865 1965, Craft Pers.
Bosman, Herman Charles (see Leck).
Botha 1962: G Botha, The old supreme court building, Cape Town, Lantern Mar 1962:32 38.
Boukundige Weekblad, 24 May 1949
Bowen 1988: Mrs E Cole Bowen, wife of R Cole Bowen, personal communication, 1988
Bowie, WE : RIBA biog file, information supplied by WE Bowie of Benoni.
Braby's Ntl dir: Braby's Natal directory, 19** 19 **
Braby's Tvl & Rhod dir: Braby's Transvaal and Rhodesia directory, 1915, 1916, 1917 1918, Johannesburg.
Braby's Orange Free State and Basutoland directory 1935 36, 1936 37.
Braby's Orange Free State and Northern Cape directory. 1912.
Bradlow 1978: FR Cairns, (Cape Town) 1978, The early Cape muslims, Juta.
Breedt 1947: JMN Breedt, (Nieuwoudtville 1947), Gedenkboek by die jubileum fees van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk. Nieuwoudtville 1897 1947, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk.
Brinkman, Van Rooyen, Brown & Sutton. 1985. Personal communication.
British Empire exhibition catalogue (Wembley). 1924.
Brookes 1931: EH Brookes (Cape Town 1931), 'The public services', p.333, Coming of Age, Maskew Miller.
Brown 1969: SM Brown (Johannesburg 1969), Architects and others: an annotated list of people of South African interest appearing in the RIBA Journal 1880 1925, A bibliography compiled for Diploma Libr, dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand, Department of Bibliographic Librarianship and Typography.
Brusse 1986: R Brusse (1986), 'Reichenau Mission', notes. 1986
Bryant, A.T. Olden Times in Zululand and Natal: containing earlier political history of the Eastern-Nguni clans. London: Longmans, Green, 1929. Facsimile reprint edition. Cape town:Struik, 1965.
Bryer & Rodd, 1984. Personal communication.
Buchbinder Green. 1988 (cf. Mayo)
Budden 1932: L Budden, (ed) (1932), Book of the Liverpool school of architecture.
Builder: The Builder *
Building: Journal of the Association of Transvaal Architects. 2 (6) June 1917 6 (3) Sept 1921.
Bulawayo Chronicle. Christmas number 1900
Bulawayo dir: Bulawayo directory 1899.
Bulawayo Publ Libr: Bulawyo public library
Bull & Denfield 1970: M Bull, J Denfield. Secure the shadow, Cape Town: McNally, 1970
Burg 1989: JS Burg (1989), personal communication
Burg et al 1984: Burg, Doherty, Bryant & Partners: Anniversary Brochure of the firm Burg, Lodge & Burg; Burg, Lodge, Doherty , Bryant & Partners (Pretoria 1984).
Burger, Die. Various issues.
CA : Cape Archives (old reference system)
CAD : Cape Archives Depot (current reference system)
CAD A1659 : Cape Archives Depot. Accession 1659
Cape Illus Mag 1899 : Cape illustrated magazine (1894 1900).
Cape of Good Hope civil service list various years
Cape Times dir: Cape Times Directory, 1933, 1936.
Cape Times, The, Various issues.
Capitol theatre commemorative brochure, (Pretoria 1931), Saturday Sept 4.
Cartwright 1966: AP Cartwright (1966) (cf. TREEBY)
Cartwright 1977: AP Cartwright, (Cape Town 1977), Clay and Diamonds, Purnell.
Casson, H, 1940. 'Modern architecture in South Africa', Architectural Review, Aug 1940.
CE plan : City Engineer's Department, plan. (Johannesburg)
Cheeseman see LAWSON.
Chick 1985: Mrs HE Chick, 1985, personal communication
Chilvers 1929: H Chilvers, (1929), Out of the crucible, Cassell & Co., Ltd.
Chipkin, Clive M. 1993, Johannesburg style: architecture and society 1880s-1960s. David Philip. Cape Town
Christie 1943: C Christie (Johannesburg, 1943), Some memories of Charles Murray and a few of his friends. South African library triennial conference.
CIA: Cape Institute of Architects
City of Pretoria & districts, (Pretoria 1913), Pretoria municipality & South African Railways.
Clancey, ?, Bokmakierie 36 (1) 1984:3.
Clinch 1990 : Joan Clinch, wife of BJ Clinch, 1990, personal communication.
CLSA: Country Life in South Africa (1911-1915) (this is the continuation of another journal)**
CO: Colonial Office
Coates 1976: PR Coates, (Cape Town 1976), Track and trackless: omnibuses and trams in the Western Cape. Struik.
Colombo Coffee 1989. Representative of Colombo Coffee, personal communication
Cole Bowen see Bowen
Colvin 1954: HM Colvin, (London 1954), A biographical dictionary of architects, 1660 1840. John Murray.
Colvin 1978: HM Colvin, (London 1978), A biographical dictionary of British architects, 1600 1840. John Murray.
Commercial and Industrial Transvaal: her resources, industries and finance, (Transvaal, 1905), Transvaal publishing company.
Condensor, The, Dec 1953, article by RWT Watson, 'Garbled gables: the use and misuse of Cape Dutch gables'
Contemporary architects (Macmillan 1980), (ed Muriel Emmanuel*?)
Contree, (vol 1) (no 1) Jan 1977 p. 28, Doddington Court, P Ferreira.
Cook 1962: D. Cook (Gillits 1962), The Paynes of 'Overdale', privately printed.
Cooke 1985: BS Cooke, 1985, personal communication.
Cooke 1983: BS Cooke (1983), 'The Furner interlude', Architecture SA, Sept/Oct 1983: 42 44.
Cope Christie 1944: JA Cope-Christie, 'Looking back over fifty years', talk given to the Rotary Club Meeting, 15 Jun 1944. Salisbury (Harare), Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), MS.
Copeman 1985: KEM Copeman, daughter of S Gotzsche, 1985, personal communication with Joanna Walker.
Cory Library for Historical Research, Grahamstown (cf. WP Jones).
Cowen 1984, 1985, 1989: M Cowen, 1984, 1985, 1989, personal communications, son of J Cowen.
Cowie 1989: IR Cowie, 1989, personal communication.
CPIA: Cape Provincial Institute of Architects
CSO : Colonial secretary's office
Credo, (no. 1. Oct 1966 no.29. Jun 1971), Johannesburg
Critic, The, 1 5 (5) 1932 1939.
CSL, Ntl: Civil Service Lists, Natal. Various issues (annual)
CSL, ORC: Civil Service Lists, Orange River Colony, various issues (annual)
CSL, Tvl: Civil Service Lists, Transvaal, 1903 , various issues
Cumming George 1933: L Cumming-George, (Cape Town 1933), Architecture in South Africa, vol 1, Speciality Press.
Cumming George 1934: L Cumming-George, (Cape Town 1934), Architecture in South Africa, vol 2, Speciality Press.
Cunningham 1981: C. Cunningham, (London 1981), Victorian and Edwardian town halls, Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Curator, Sammy Marks's Museum, 1988, personal communication.
Curtis Green 1934: obituary WN DUNN, The Times March 1, 1934.
DFA Chris No 1905: Diamond Fields Advertiser, Christmas Number 1905
Daniel, I; Brusse, R. 1979. Pietermaritzburg. Durban? *
Davis 1985: Davies, P(hilip). 1985. Splendours of the Raj.*
Day & De Wet Gift : Day & De Wet Gift. Dwgs, including Black & Fagg. BC 747. Manuscript and archives library, University of Cape Town Libraries, CT
DE : Deceased estates (those still held in the various Master of the Supreme Court Offices. Those transferred to the public archives are referred to by the initials MHG for Transvaal documents; MOOC for Cape documents; MSCE for Natal documents and **** for Orange Free State documents.
De Bosdari, 1971: Bosdari, C. Cape Dutch houses and farms: their architecture and history together with a note on the role of Cecil John Rhodes in their preservation (and a chapter on the outlying districts by Hans Fransen). 1971. (3rd ed) A.A. Balkema, Cape Town, Amsterdam.
De Bosdari, C. 1954. Anton Anreith, Africa's first sculptor. Balkema, Cape Town
De Jong, RC; Van der Waal, G M; Heydenrych, H. NZASZM 100: The buildings, steam engines and structures of the Netherlands South African Railway Company, 1887-1899. Chris van Rensburg publications Ltd, Melville, Johannesburg. 1988
De Kok, ? 1939. Anton Anreith: sculptor. SA Architect, Oct 1938:263-64
Delbridge, EJ. Personal communication. 1984. Son of EJ DELBRIDGE
Dennis Edwards Cape Town Directory (see Edwards)
De Puyfontaine, H(ugette) R(oy). 1972. Louis Michel Thibault 1700 1815: his official life at the Cape of Good Hope. Cape Town. Tafelberg.
De Villiers 1989: HT de Villiers et al. 1989. Sewe middlestadgemeentes. Pretoria. Klassis Pretoria Sentraal.
De Villiers, RM (ed) 1974. Better than they knew. vol 2. Wynberg, CT: Rustica Press. (D Greig on RD Martienssen)
De Volkstem, Oct 1904
De Waal, L(ydia) M. 1978. Europees Historiese vormaalelemente in die Nederduits Gereforeerde Kerkargitektuur van die Groot Karoo. UOVS. Bloemfontein. MA Fakulteit van lettere en Wysbegeerte, Dept Kuns en Beeld. Kunste.
De Wet (see LE ROITH)
DFA: Diamond Fields Advertiser. Individual issues. (see Rogers)
Die Boerevrou. individual issues (1920**
Die Burger. Individiual issues.
Die Kerkbode. Individual Issues.
Dixon, R; Muthesius, S. 1978. Victorian Architecture. London. Thames & Hudson.
Dlamini, P(aulina). 1986. Servant of two Kings. Compiled by H Filter, 1939. Translated & edited S Bourquin, Killie Campbell Library, Durban. University of Natal Press, Pmb.
Dominion and Colonial architecture exhibition catalogue 1926
Donaldson & Braby's dir 1911 : Donaldson & Braby's Directory 1911
Donaldson & Hill. 1903 4. Tvl & Rhodesia directory. Johannesburg.
DSAB : Dictionary of South African Biography. vols 1 6. Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria. (2nd ed) 1976 - 1987
Duckworth, JG. 1989. The St Mary's story. A history of St Mary's catholic parish, Pietermaritzburg. (Pamphlet)
Dunn 1916: Obituary for W WATSON, in: RIBA Jnl Feb 19, 1916:142.
Dunston, L. 1975. Young Pretoria, 1889 1913. Pretoria. Heer Printing Co.
Du Plessis 1990: Du Plessis. Personal communication. 1990.
Du Toit 1954. * (?) cf Devereux.
Du Toit 1953. * (cf. Louw, WH)
Du Toit, Mag, 1978 Lantern July see Wierda*
Eastlake, Charles. See Wm White*(taken out 1996, pity)
East London munic, dir cult & envrn 1989: East London municipality, directorate of cultural and environmental affairs 1989; official papers.*
East London Mus 1989: East London Museum 1989
East London Red Book
Edwards dir: Dennis Edward's General Directory of South Africa: for the years 1888, 1890, 1891. Cape Town. Edward's.
Edwards, D. 1890. General Directory of Johannesburg. Cape Town.
Edwards* 1927 see R BULLOCK*
Eeufees Album (cf. SKINNER)*
Ellis, AG. 1985, 1986. Personal communication (son of TG Ellis).
Emmanuel, FL. 1900. British and Dutch Architecture in South Africa. Architectural Review. (Vol VII) 1900 : 3 8; 51 58.
Engelbrecht, JH. 1979. "Carl Otto Hager". In : Stellenbosch Drie Eeue. Stellenbosch: Stadsraad.
Engel, EP. 1963. Art life in Johannesburg, 1886 1920. Africana Notes and News. Sep vol 15 (7) : 267 306.
Fassler, J. 1965. "Domestic architecture". In: South African Architectural Record, suppl. April 1965.
Fagan, G & G, 1975 * (cf. Moravian Mission).
Fairbridge, D. 1922. Historic houses of South Africa. London. Oxford University Press
Fairbridge, D. 1933. Historic farms of South Africa. London. Oxford University Press
Fassler Papers. Private collection. Johannesburg.
Fassler. Mrs John. 1985. Personal communication. (Wife of J FASSLER)
Fassler Kamstra, M. 1985. Personal communication (Daughter of J FASSLER)
Ferreira, N. 1985, 1986. Personal communications.
Ferreira, N. 1985, 1986. Personal communications. (Curator, Oudtshoorn Museum)*
Ferreira, N. In Restorica (11): 11-30; Restorica Apr 1983:35-39.
Finsen, E. 1985. Personal communication with Joanna Walker. (Institute of South African Architects)
Fick 1906 (?) see Gaisford * ask Arie
First, R & Scott, A. 1980. Olive Schreiner. London. Andre Deutsch.
Fisher, L. 1966. Life of Mahatma Gandhi. New York. Collier.
Fisher, R(oger) C. 1984. Personal communication (of Smit & Fisher, Architects)
Fisher 1989 : RC Fisher. 1989. Article on LM Thibault for Macmillan's Dictionary of Art (unpublished at time of writing and not quoted in full).
fl.: floruit (active between these dates)
Fleming 1985: Fleming, LH. 1985. Personal communication. (Son of FLH FLEMING)
Fletcher, Sir Bannister: A history of architecture on the comparative method. London. BT Batsford, 1989.
For us. 1962. University of the Witwatersrand. (in house publication by the School of Architecture, University of the Witwatersrand; found in the architectural library)
Fox 1984 (*). White Mischief. cf. Hoogterp
Fransen, H(ans). 1982. Three centuries of South African art. Johannesburg. Donker.
Fransen, H(ans); Cook, M(ary) A(lexandra). 1965. The old houses of the Cape. Cape Town. Balkema.
Fransen, H(ans). 1982. Three centuries of South African art. Johannesburg. AD Donker.
Fransen, H; Cook, M. 1980. The old houses of the Cape. Cape Town. Balkema. re print.
Fraser, M. 1981. The story of two Cape farms. Johannesburg. Barlow Rand.
Frescura 1986, 1987, 1988. personal communications. (Franco Frescura).
FRIBA nom papers : Fellowship of the Royal Institute of British nomination papers. RIBA Archives. London.
Friend, The. Various issues. Ceased.
Gandhi, MK. 1928. Satyagraha. **
Gandhi, Mohandas K. 1929. Autobiography: the story of my experiments with truth. Translated by M Desai. New York. Dover.
Goetzsche, E. (s.a.). History of the Natal Light Infantry. *
Gomme, A(ndor) & Walker, D(avid). 1968. The architecture of Glasgow. Lund Humphries. London.
Gordon, R(uth) & Louwrens, M(att). 1984.* Victorian Pietermaritzburg. Springford. Village Publications
Gouws 1988 : Willem C Gouws (Hoofredakteur). 1988. Na honderd jaar: feesblad van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk Piet Retief. Smith Bosboudienste (Edms) Bpk.
Gradidge, R(oderick). 1980. Dream houses: the Edwardian ideal. London. Constable.
Gradidge, R(oderick). 1984. Catalogue of the art workers' guild centenary exhibition. Heinz Gallery. RIBA.
Grahamstown Publ Assn : Grahamstown Publicity Association. n.d. The settler city: places of interest.
Gray, A S(tuart). 1985. Edwardian architecture: a biographical dictionary. London. Duckworth.
Greaves, A. 1987. Tell me of Kamani. The history of Queenstown for the Queenstown and frontier historical society.
Gregory 1973: Information from Mrs W Gregory. UCT Libr (DAD 479)
Greig, D(oreen) E. Domestic work of Sir Herbert Baker and his influence in the field of building in the Transvaal. M Arch. 1958. University of the Witwatersrand.
Greig, D(oreen) E. The work of Sir Herbert Baker from 1892 until 1912 and his contribution to architecture in South Africa. PhD. 1963. University of the Witwatersrand
Greig, D(oreen)E. 1970. Herbert Baker in South Africa. Cape Town. Purnell.
Greig, D(oreen)E. 1971. A guide to architecture in South Africa. Cape Town. Howard Timmins.
Grossert, JW. 1942. Hindu temples of Natal. MA (Fine Arts). Part II. Thesis.
Gundelfinger 1952: FA Gundelfinger. Geskiedenis van Middelburg, Transvaal. 1952 *
Gutsche, T. 1966. No ordinary woman: The life and times of Florence Phillips. Cape Town. Howard Timmins.
Gutsche, T. 1970. The bishop's lady. Cape Town. Howard Timmins.
Hall, HE; Paver, FR. 1910. Pretoria: the administrative capital of South Africa. Pretoria.
Hanson, N(orman). Personal communication. 1985.
Harmsen, F; Sash, C; Kossick, S. 1973. Art and articles (Festschrift): In honour of Heather Martienssen, Professor of Fine Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, presented to her by former students and colleagues upon her retirement in November 1973. Cape Town. Balkema.
Harmsen 1989. F Harmsen. Stations of the Cross. 1989*
Harper, 1977. AH HALDER by RH Harper in: Yorkshire Architect (54) May/Jun 1977:19-21.
Harradine, M. 1984, 1985, 1986. Personal communications. (Africana Librarian. Port Elizabeth Public Library).
Harrison, GM. 1970, 1971. Personal communication recorded in Rand Afrikaans University Art History Dept.
Harrop Allin, C(linton). 1975. Norman Eaton: architect: A study of the work of the South African architect Norman Eaton 1902 1966. Cape Town and Johannesburg. Struik.
Henderson, W.P.M. 1904. Durban: Fifty years of municipal history. Durban.
Henning, CG. 1975. Graaff Reinet: a cultural history 1786 1886. Bulpin.
Herbert, G(ilbert). 1975. Martienssen and the International Style: the modern movement in South African architecture. Cape Town. Balkema.
Herbert, G(ilbert). 1984, 1989. Personal communications.
Heroldt, AD. 1988. Uitenhage : a case study of small town colonial architecture. M Arch. University of Port Elizabeth.
Hewitt, EO. 1945. A bibliography of architecture in South Africa, in which is included a selection of books on South African furniture, housing, practical construction and buil;ding materials, and town planning. School of Librarianship. University of Cape Town.
Heymans, M. 1988. Personal communication. (Ceramic Studio, Oliphantsfontein research)
Hill, R. 1984, 1985. Personal communications. (Editor of biographical dictionary of Canadian architects 1850 1950. to be published).
Hillebrand, M(elanie). 1975. Aspects of architecture in Natal, 1880 1914. MA. Dept Fine Art and History of Art, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg.
Hillebrand, M(elanie). 1985, 1986a, 1987. Personal communications.
Hillebrand, M(elanie). 1986, Art and architecture in Natal, 1910 1940. Ph.D. Dept Fine Art and History of Art, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg.
Historica. individual issues. 1961
Hitchcock 1978: H R Hitchcock. Architecture: nineteenth and twentieth centuries. First printed 1958. 1978 ed. The Pelican History of Art. Kingsport Press. Penguin.
Hodgson, G.D.C. 1986* (see Solomon)
Hoffe, A. 1954. Dr Gordon Leith, architect. B Arch. University of the Witwatersrand. Johannesburg.
Hofmeyr, JH. 1931. Provincial and local government. In: Coming of Age. Cape Town: Maskew Miller : 297 ff.
Hoogterp Papers. Strange Collection. Africana Library. Johannesburg.
Holford 1967 (see N Eaton)*
Howie, WD. Contemporary architecture in South Africa. Lantern. June 1958. pp. 326 339.
Howie, WD. 1977. Article on HW SPICER in Dictionary of South African Biography III: 750
HSRC Doc : Human Sciences Research Council Documentation Centre. Pretoria (transferred in 1992 to the South African State Archives, Pretoria).
Humphrey, Personal communication. Daughter of AF LAWRIE.
Hunt, L; Stewart, G; c1985. Colonial Mutual Life buildings and Surrey Mansions. Building performance study and appraisal. UND. school of architecture. unpublished student project.
Hussey, C. 1950. The life of Sir Edwin Lutyens. London. Country Life.
Huttenback, RA. 1971. Gandhi in South Africa: British imperialism and the Indian question, 1860 1914. Cornell University Press. Ithaca.
Illus Lon News : Illustrated London news. individual issues. 1865.
Immelman & Quinn 1968. (see Reveley)*
Int Arch : International Architecture. (1924 1934). ub. no 72.
Indian opinion. Jan 28, 1955 *
Institute of Land surveyors of the Transvaal, Proceedings. 1905, 1909. Jan Mar 1905:24 27; 1909 : 338 41.
Irvine-Smith, C. 1989. Personal Communication.
Irving, R(obert) G(rant). 1981. Indian Summer. Lutyens, Baker and Imperial Delhi. New Haven. Yale University Press.*(check entry: 1982 in LUTYENS*)
ISAA : Institute of South African Architects
ISAA mem list : Institute of South African Architects membership list, headquarters, Johannesburg
ISAA archives. Institute of South African Architects, headquarters, Johannesburg
ISAA Ybk : The yearbook of the Institute of South African architects and chapter of South African Quantity Surveyors., annually 1929 1968, Institute of South African Architects, headquarters, Johannesburg (some years missing)
Isili Sam Size Afrika. 1977. Journal of Architecture and Human Settlements. vol 1 (1) Oct 1977. University of Cape Town.
Jack, AD; Bolze, LW. 1979. Bulwayo's changing skyline. Bulawayo. Books of Zimbabwe.
Jack Hindon officers' club brochure. s.a. (n.d.)
Jackson, M.A. 1985. Personal communication. (Son of RN JACKSON).
Jackson, P(eter). 1986a. Historic Buildings of Harare (1890-1940). Quest Publishing (Pvt) Ltd.
Jackson, P(eter). Personal communication. 1986b, 1987.
James, H.J.E., 1990 : (bought 247 Loveday St by AF Lawrie from Lawrie in 1983, restoring and making some alterations to the building).
James Stuart Archives (see Stuart Archives)
Jansen 1990 : Anton Jansen. Personal communication. 1990, (master builder, restorer and historian, Pretoria)
Jeppe, C(arl). 1906. The kaleidoscopic Transvaal. London. Chapman & Hall. Ltd.
Jeppe, H(arold). 1964. Suid Afrikaanse kunstenaars, 1900 1962. Johannesburg. Afrikaanse Pers Boekhandel.
Jnl ATA : Journal of the Association of Transvaal Architects 1 (1) Feb 1916 became Building 2 (6) Jun 1917; became South African Architectural Journal 6 (24) Dec 1921; became South African Architectural Record, 10 ( ) 1925.*
Jnl Institute Municipal Engineers (DC Leitch)*
Johannesburg City (see JR Gibbs)*
Johnson. 1969. Bokmakierie vol 21 (1):3. (cf. Lighton)
Johnson, Brian Andrew. 1979. An historical study of the architecture of the Southern Cape Peninsula, 1880 1913. Houses and small business premises. 2 vols. MA diss. UNISA.
Johnson, Brian Andrew. 1987. Domestic architecture at the Cape , 1892-1912 : Herbert Baker, his associates and his contemporaries. D.Litt. et Phil. thesis. UNISA
Jones, CJ. 1987. Personal communication.
Jones, H.E.T. 1986. Personal communication.*
Jones, L Twentyman. 1984. Research resources in Cape Town: a guide compiled by Gabi Meyer. Ed. L Twentyman Jones. Centre for African Studies. Occasional Papers No 1/1984 (revised edition)
Jones, L. Twentyman 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989. Personal communication (granddaughter of H* TWENTYMAN JONES).
Juta's dir CT : Juta's directory of Cape Town. 1897, 1899, 1900.
Juta's directory of Cape Town and suburbs. 1898.
Juta's directory of Cape Town, suburbs and Simonstown. 1899 1927.
Katz 1990 (see Percik)*
K.C.M.: Killie Campbell Manuscript (Killie Campbell Library, University of Natal, Durban)
Kearney, B(rian) T. 1973. Architecture in Natal from 1824 1893. Cape Town. Balkema.
Kearney, BT. 1974. First listing of the most important places and buildings in Durban, Durban Municipality
Kearney, BT. 1984. A revised listing of the important places and buildings in Durban. Durban.
Kearney, BT. 1985, 1989. Personal communications.
Keath, M(ichael). (s.a.) (1987). Herbert Baker: architecture and idealism 1892-1913: the South African Years. Ashanti publishing Ltd, Gibraltar.
Kendall, FK. 1926. The restoration of Groot Constantia. Cape Town. Juta & Co.
Kendall & Earle gift : Drawings and papers donated by Earle to UCT MS and archives. contains the Baker drawings etc. BC 206
Kerkbode, Die. Individual issues.
Kesting, DP. 1978. Afrikaans Protestantse kerkbou: erfenis en uitdaging. Proefskrif ingelewer vir graad van Doktor in die Argitektuur aan die Universiteit van Port Elizabeth. Port Elizabeth.
Kilpin, R(alph). 1918. The old Cape house. CT. Maskew Miller.
Kimberley Publ Libr 1985 : Kimberley Public Library, personal communication.
Knox see WHK
Kohler. 1946* see Jackson?
KPL : Kimberley Public Library.
Kuijers, A(rie). 1980. 'n Kunshistoriese besinning oor die stylherlewingstendens in die Suid Afrikaanse argitektuur met verwysing na die argitektuur van Potchefstroom ca. 1860 tot 1940. MA verhandeling Potchefstroom. Universiteit vir CHO.
Kuijers 1984: Kuijers, A(rie). Beeld van 'n dorp. 'n oorsiglys an geboue en ander strukture in die Potchefstroom van 1984. Dept Kunsgeskiedenis. PuCho.
Laband 1988: Laband, J(ohn) & Haswell, R(obert), eds. Pietermaritzburg, 1858 1988: a new portrait of an African city. University of Natal Press and Shuter & Shooter. 1988.
Laidler, PW. 1926. Tavern of the seas. * (see Thibault)
Laidler, PW. 1939. The growth and government of Cape Town. Cape Town. Unie Volkspers Beperk.
Langham Carter, R. 1979. Nineteenth century architects etc. in the Western Cape. MS 28p. UCT Libr. BC 644 (BC 5 52 cf MICHELL, Middleton)
Langham Carter, R. 1985, 1986. Personal communications.
Lantern, 1949 1989 * see entry for Black*
Lawrie's Durban directory. 1927, 1930.
Ladysmith survey 1993. Survey of Ladysmith undertaken by the Natal School of Architecture for the NMC in 1993.
Leeb du Toit, JC. 1984. Beuron and Mariannhill. MA diss. University of Natal. Pietermaritzburg.
Le Roith, HH. 1988*. Personal communication.
Le Sueur, G. 1987. Personal communication.*
Lennard, M. D. 1984. Personal communication. (Irvine Smith, Joubert, Lennard & Lloyd. architects. Johannesburg).
Lewcock 1963: R Lewcock (Cape Town 1963), Early nineteenth century architecture in South Africa: a study of the interaction of two cultures 1795 1837, Balkema.
Lewis 1953: JS Lewis (1953), 'The Institute of South African Architects: its first twenty five years', South African Architectural Record, May 1953.
Lewis 1985, 1986, 1987: Miles Lewis, (Melbourne, Australia), 1985, 1986, 1987, personal communications.
Lewis, Pryce. 1985. (See Thornton White)*
LHM : Local History Museum (Durban), collection of historic documents, photographs.
Liebenberg, O. 1988?. On foot through old Bloemfontein. *
Lipman, A. 1962. The smaller house in modern South African architecture, in: Lantern Dec 1962: 8 21.
Lockhead's guide. 1913. Handbook and directory of Pretoria. Transvaal Reliable Agency.
Longland, Henry. 1893. The golden Transvaal: an illustrated review, descriptive, historical, statistical and biographical, facts, figures and illustrations. London. Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co.
Longland's Jhb dir : Longland's Johannesburg and district directory Johannesburg. Longland. 1892 99, (ceased.)
Longland's Jhb & SAR dir : Longland's Johannesburg and South African Republic directory. 1897.
Longland's Pta dir : longland's Pretoria directory, 1899.
Longland's Tvl dir : Longland's Transvaal Directory. 1904 1905, annually 1904 missing (State Libr, Pta).
Longland's Tvl & Rhod dir 1903 : Longland's Transvaal and Rhodesian directory. 1899, 1903.
Looking back. Various issues. The journal of the Port Elizabeth Historical Society.*
Louw 1969. H.J. Louw typescript (see G.M. Louw; W.H. Louw).
Louw, MA. s.a. Wynand H. Louw: So het ons hom geken. Kaapstad.Die NG sendings kantoor.
Louw, T; Rennie, J; Goddard, G. 1983. Buildings of Cape Town: phase two. A survey undertaken during 1982 and 1983 by T Louw for the Committee for the preparation of a catalogue of Cape Town buildings. Cape Town. Cape Provincial Institute of Architects.
LRIBA : Licentiate of the Royal Institute of Architects
LRIBA nom papers : Licentiate of the Royal Institute of British Architects nomination papers. RIBA Archives. London.
Macmillan, A. 1948, brought to completion by Eric Rosenthal. Homes of the golden city. Cape Town. Hortors.
Macmillan 1982: Contemporary architects. 1982. London (*). Macmillan. see Rennie(?).
Malherbe 1965 (see R.S. Upton)*
Mallows, E.W.N. 1987. Personal communication (and son of C.E. MALLOWS).
Martin, M(arilyn) H. 1980. Philip Maurice Dudgeon, architect: his work in Natal during period 1877 1888 seen against his background of Victorian Britain and Natal. M Arch. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Martin 1984, 1985: M(arilyn) Martin. 1985. Personal communication.
Maxwell, D(onald). 1924. Wembley in colour. London. Longmans. (copy in Neasden Museum, London)
McGuire, H.B.F. 1985. Correspondence with Kimberley Museum.
McIntyre, D. 1950. The Diocesan College, Rondebosch, South Africa: a century at Bishop's. Cape Town. Juta.
McTeague, M. 1985. In the spirit of a new epoch. Planning and Building Development. April/May 1985 : 13 21.
Meiring, H. date*. Pretoria 125: Boukunsskatte van Suid Afrika.
Melle 1990: J. Melle, granddaughter of J.G. van Boeschoten. Personal communication. 1990.
Men Tvl 1905 : Men of the Times: Pioneers of the Transvaal and glimpses of South Africa. 1905, Johannesburg. Transvaal Publishing Co.
Men Cape 1906 : Men of the Times: Old colonists of the Cape Colony and Orange River Colony. 1906, Johannesburg. Transvaal Publishing Co.
Merrifield, C.H.N. 1928. Old domestic architecture of Cape Town, IN: South African Architectural Record. 13 (49) Mar 1928:3 11.
MHG : Magister Hoof Gebou (*) (Master of Supreme Court, Transvaal) for death certificates stored in the Transvaal.
Middleton, G.A.T. 1907 10. Modern Buildings, their planning, construction and equipment. vols 1 7. London. Caxton.
Minutes of evidence : (see Radford's thesis. Must check UWits copy. *
Mikula, P; Kearney, BT; Harber, R. 1982. Traditional Hindu temples in South Africa. Durban. Hindu Temples.*
Modus 1 (1) 1987: Modus issue 1. 1986. vol 1. Journal of the Institute of Architects : Eastern Cape Committee.
Modus 1 (2) 1987: Modus issue 1. 1987. vol 2. Journal of the Eastern Province and Border Committees of the Cape Provincial Institute of Architects.
Moerdyk, G.L.P. c1919. Kerkgeboe in Suid Afrika. s.a.; no publisher named. (p35).
Moerdyk, G.L.P. 1935. Kuns deur die eeue: die geskiedenis van boukuns. Pretoria. Van Schaik.
Moerdyk Papers, HSRC: Moerdyk papers given to the HSRC documentation Centre for the Arts by Sylva Moerdyk.
Morris, James:. 19**. South African Winter. **
MOOC : Master ** (IN Cape Archives Depot, CT) for death certificates stored in Cape Town.
MSCE : Master of Supreme Court Estates (IN Natal Archives Depot, PMB) for death certificates stored in Pietermaritzburg.
Mullins, F(rederick)W. 1927. The Castle, Cape Town. In: South African Architectural Record. 12 (47) Sep 1927: 61 66.
Mullins, R. Personal communication. 1987.
Murray, B. K. 1982. Wits, the early years: a history of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and its precursors 1896 1939. Johannesburg. University of the Witwatersrand Press (Wits U Press?)*
Musiker 1979. Musiker, Reuben. 1979. A visitor's guide to the University library of the Witwatersrand. Occasional publicationno. 5, compiled by R Musiker, UWits.
NA : Natal Archives (old reference system)
NAD : Natal Archives Depot, Pietermaritzburg.
NAD CSO : Natal Archives Depot: Colonial Secretary's Office papers.
NAD MSCE : Natal Archives Depot (Pietermaritzburg) Master of Supreme Court Estates.
Natal Mercury, various issues*(Ntl Mercury)
Natal Witness, various issues (commenced February 1846 -) Ntl Witness
Ntl Dir: Natal Directory*
Nation, S(heila) S. 1985. The background, architectural philosophy and work of Hellmut Wilhelm Ernst Stauch. Unpublished M Arch dissertation. Faculty of Maths and Science. Universiy of Pretoria.
National architectural archives, Ottawa, Canada, see OA
National Monuments Council List, Transvaal.
National Museum News No 29, Sep 1985 see also Van der Bank
Neethling 1992: Neething, M. Port Shepstone 1882-1992. 1992.
Newham 1988: DMT Newham. 1988. Personal communication.
Newton Thompson, J. 1951. Gwelo Goodman: South African artist. Cape Town. Howard Timmins.
Nienaber 1990: Nienaber, GS. Personal communication.
Nienaber, PJ; Smit, JD; Botes, SM 1987. Vrystaatse argitektuur...* (see Gosselin, correct date needed for entry)
NGK Archives: Nederlandse Gereformeerde kerk archives, Cape Town *
NM : National Monument.
NMC : National Monuments Council (see Donaldson, W)*
N Mercury : Natal Mercury, The
N Witness : Natal Witness, The. Various issues.
NCSL: Natal civil service list, 1895, 1902 1908.
N Mercury: Natal Mercury, The. Various issues
Norwich, O. 1986. Personal communication
Norwich, R. 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989a, 1990. Personal communications.
Norwich, R. 1989. Synagogue buildings on the Witwatersrand before 1930 their origin, form and function. Unpublished M.Arch dissertation. University of the Witwatersrand.
Ntl Amnc : Natal Almanac
Ntl Advertiser : Natal Advertiser. Individual issues.
Ntl convoc news : Natal Convocation News. No. 5. Article by R Harber (see W HIRST).
NWW 1906: Natal Who's who 1906
NWW 1933: Natal Who's Who 1933
OA : Ottawa Archives. National Architectural Archives, Public Archives of Canada, 395 Wellington St, Ottawa, Canada KIA ON3.
Oberholster, AG. 1982. An historical overview of the buildings of the Standard Bank of South Africa. Supplement to PBD Sep/Oct 1982: 1 7.
Oberholster, JJ. 1972. The historical monuments of South Africa. Stellenbosch. Rembrandt van Rijn Foundation for Culture, at request of the National Monuments Council.
OD : Catalogue notation used for drawings in UNSAL *
OD: Old Drawings - University of Natal Durban Campus School of Architecture Old Drawing Collection
OFSAD : Orange Free State Archives Depot
OFSIA : Orange Free State Institute of Architects
OFSPIA : Orange Free State Provincial Institute of Architects
Ogilvie, G. 1988. Dictionary of South African painters and sculptors. Johannesburg *
Oldham, R; Oldham, J. 1961. Western heritage: a study of the colonial architecture of Perth. Publ*
On foot through old Bloemfontein. 1988?. O Liebenberg. (Town trail map for the Information Bureau, Bloemfontein).
Ons Kerk album van de Hollandsche Kerkenen Leeraren. 1919. Cape Town. Maeder en Zinn.
Ons Kuns 1. 1959 (2nd ed. 1969)
Outlook in South Africa (see AJ MARSHALL)
Paratus (see Lawrie*)
PAS : Pretoria Architectural Society/ PAV (Univ of Pretoria?)
PAV : Pretoria Argitektuur Vereeniging, as above.
PSB : Parker, Staniforth & Bieldt drawings and papers. UCT MS and Archives. BC 729.
Pearse, GE. 1933. Eighteenth century architecture in South Africa. London. Batsford.
Pearse, GE. 1934. Architectural education: a survey of the problem in South Africa, the United States of America, Canada and Europe, etc. Pretoria. The Carnegie Corporation's Visitors' Grants Committee.
Pearse, GE. 1960. Eighteenth century furniture in South Africa. Pretoria. Van Schaik.
Pearse, GE. 1956. The Cape of Good Hope 1652 1833. Pretoria. Van Schaik
Pearse, GE. 1960. The architectural theme, 1880 1927. South African Architectural Record. Mar: 17 20.
Pearse, GE. Reminiscences. University Archives. unpubl ms. 2 vols. c1960. University of the Witwatersrand. s.a.
Pearse, R.O. 1981. Joseph Baynes, pioneer. Shuter & Shuter, Pmb.
Perkins, MB s.a. (cf. Mayo)*
Picton Seymour, D. 1977. Victorian buildings in South Africa including Edwardian and Transvaal Republican styles, 1850 1910. A survey of houses, churches, schools, public and commercial buildings with notes on the materials used, the architects concerned, the use of pre fabricated ironmongery and the influence of European styles. Cape Town. Balkema.
Picton Seymour, D; Webster, RIB. 1952. Western Provincial: an album of paintings and drawings of the Western Cape. Cape Town. Maskew Miller
Picton Seymour, D; Webster, RIB. 1956. Transvaal Republican: an album of drawings of early Johannesburg and Pretoria. Cape Town. Maskew Miller.
Pilman, N. Research papers and notes on GLP Moerdyk, unpubl. HSRC.
Plan 1969 *
Plan June 1970 (cf Masey)
Ploeger, J. 1963. Overvaal: die geskiedenis van' n ampswoning. Pretoria. Transvaal Provincial Administration.
Porter, A. 1974. "********" (cf WJ McWilliams*) In: Looking back *
Potchefstroom archives (university or civic?)** (ask Arie) see Gaisford
Potchefstroom Herald. Individual issues.
Powers 1985: FW Powers. Son of EM Powers. Personal communication.
Praagh, LV. (ed.) 1906. Transvaal and its mines: the encyclopaedic history of the Transvaal. London. Praagh & Lloyd.
Preller, GS. 1938. Ou Pretoria. Saaklike verihaal van die stad se Voortrekkerperiode. Pretoria : Afrikaanse Kultuurraad.
Pretoria directory 1911 **
Pretoria News, The. Various issues.
Pretoriana. 19** 19**
Pretorius, JC. 1969. Unpubl MA thesis. UP (see Moerdyk)
PSL : Public service list 1910* 1940 (Union of South Africa)
Pta dir 1911 : Pretoria directory 1911
PTW & B: Paton, Taylor, Willies & Benett (architects), records.
Puyfontaine, HR de. 1972. Louis Michel Thibault, 1750 1815: his official life at the Cape. Cape Town. Tafelberg.
PWD ar : PWD annual report. 1910 1940. PWD library. Central Government Building, Pretoria.
PWSA : Public works of South Africa. vol 1 (1) Nov 1938 7 (40) Mar 1940. Journal of the Public Works Department, published monthly. ceased 1965.
Radford, DJC. 1979. The architecture of the Western Cape, 1838 1901. A study of the impact of Victorian aesthetics and technology on South African architecture. Unpublished Ph.D thesis. Dept of Arch. University of the Witwatersrand. Johannesburg.
Rand Daily Mail, The. various issues.
Raper, PE. 1987. Dictionary of Southern African place names. Johannesburg. Lowry Publ.
Raper, PE. 1989. Dictionary of Southern African place names. Johannesburg. Lowry Publ.
RAU doc : Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit. (Dept. Art History). Projects: Opname historiese geboue in Johannesburg. 1e verslag Parktown 1975; 2e verslag Binnestad 1976; 3e verslag Ringgebied 1977; 4e verslag Buitewyke (2 vols.) 1979. Johannesburg: Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit
RDM : Rand Daily Mail, various issues.
Rees, W. 1957. The NTC (Natal Technical College), 1907 1957: a jubilee history. University of Natal Press.
Rees Poole, VS. 1913. "The architecture of Pretoria". In: The city of Pretoria and districts. Pretoria. Pretoria Municipality and SAR.
Rennie, J** 1978a. The buildings of Cape Town. vol 1 ** A survey undertaken during 1977 and 1978 by John Rennie for the Committee for the preparation of a catalogue of Cape Town buildings. Cape Town. Cape Provincial Institute of Architects.
Rennie, J ** 1978b. The buildings of Cape Town. vol 2 ** A survey undertaken during 1977 and 1978 by John Rennie for the Committee for the preparation of a catalogue of Cape Town buildings. Cape Town. Cape Provincial Institute of Architects.
Rennie, J. 1983; Louw, T; Goddard, Greg see Louw
Report of Town engineer, 1910. Johannesburg.
Restorica.*1976 1989.
Rewarding Conservation. 1992. Conservation awards Committee of the Durban City Council. Durban City Council.
Reynolds, R; Reynolds, B. 1974. Grahamstown from cottage to villa. Cape Town. Philips. (cf WOODS, J; Retief)*
Rex, HM. 1974. Die lewe en werk van Sytze Wopkes Wierda in Nederland, met verwysing na sy betekenis vir die Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek. Unpublished D.Phil. Proefskrif. University of Pretoria.
RIBA Archives : Nomination papers for Fellows, Associates, Licentiates. RIBA. London.
RIBA biog file, inf...see Bowie...
RIBA biog(raphical) file, : RIBA Archives. British Architectural Library. RIBA. London.
RIBA Jnl : Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects. Individual issues.
RIBA Kal : RIBA Kalendar 1886/7 1965/6. RIBA Archives. British architectural library. RIBA. London. (74 vols).
Richardson, M. Personal communication. 1985.
Righini, P. 1977. "The work of Max Policansky". Isili sam size Africa. Journal of Architecture and Human Settlements. vol 1 (1) Oct 1977. University of Cape Town.
Roberts, B. 1976. Kimberley: the turbulent city. Cape Town. Philips
Roodt, A. Personal communication 1985.
Roodt, L. 1987.(Thesis)* (see Rohde, de la Corn)
Rosenthal, E. 1946. Sixty years of Johannesburg History. Johannesburg. Printing House Ltd
Rosenthal, E. 1963. Alphabetical list to the biographical notices in *South Africa*. Publ between 1892 1928. London. (JPL).
Rosenthal, E. 1966. South African dictionary of national biography. London. F Warne.
Russell Bouton 1987. Personal communication.
SAA&B : South African Architect & Builder *
SA Acad : South African Academy exhibition catalogues. 1923 1940.annual
SAAE&S Jnl : South African Architect, Engineer & Surveyor's Journal
SAAR : South African Architectural Record. *
SA Archt : South African Architect *
SAB : South African Builder *
SAB & ATM : South African Building and Allied Trades Manual
SABA 2/1966: South African Brick Association2/1966 (see N Eaton)
SA Clywrkr & Bldr : South African Clayworker and Builder
SA Jewish Ybk : South African Jewish year book. (see OBEL).
SA Lady's Pic : SA Lady's Pictorial.
SALQB : South African Library Quarterly Bulletin
SAMBA : South African Master Builder's annual *
SAMBF Jnl : South African Master Builders' Federation Journal
SAR&H Mag : South African Railways and Harbours Magazine. Individual issues.
SAWW : South African Who's Who
Schoeman, K. 1980. Bloemfontein: die ontstaan van 'n stad, 1846 1946. Kaapstad. Human & Rousseau.
Schoeman, K. 1982. Vrystaatse erfenis: bouwerke en geboue in die 19de eeu. Kaapstad. Human & Rousseau.
Schoeman, K. 1985. Boukunsskatte van die Vrystaat - Free State heritage Roodepoort. Cum boeke (vir stigting NALN)*
Schoeman, K. 1986. Personal communication.
Schoeman, K. Personal communication.
Schoonrad, E; Schoonrad, M. 1989. South African caricaturists
Seeliger 1986: Miss Seeliger, daughter. 1986. Personal communication.
Service, A. 1975. Edwardian architecture. London. Architectural Press.
SESA : Standard Encyclopaedia of Southern Africa *
Seventy five years of progress. BIFSA. see BIFSA 75. Industries
Shillington 1985: P. Shillington. 1985. Personal communication.
Simpson, Joan: 1995. Librarian Killie Campbell archives. Personal communication. Related to AM De WITT.
Simpson & Bridgman. 1986. Personal communication.
Smit, AP. s.a. Ons kerke in die goudstad: 1887 1947. Cape Town?*. Nasionale Pers.
Smith, AH. 1976. (ed.) Sketches by Ida May Stone and Harry Clayton. Johannesburg. AD Donker.
Smith, AH. 1971. Johannesburg street names. Johannesburg. Juta.
Smith, NC 1985: NC Smith, grandson of GW SMITH. Personal communication.
Smuts, F (ed) et al * 1979
Some famous schools in South Africa. 1972. vol 1. English Medium Boys' High Schools. Cape Town. Longmans SA.
South Africa (vol 78) cf Pilkington, GW **
South African Architect vol 1 (1) Mar 1939 2 (9) Dec 1940. There was no issue for Apr 1939. vol 2 commenced in Apr 1940. ceased *
South African Architect & Builder 1 (5) Feb 1904 3 (24) Sep 1905, became South African Architect, Engineer and Surveyors' journal.
South African Architect, Engineer and Surveyors' Journal 3 (25) Oct 1905 4 (48) 1907
South African Architectural Journal 6 (24) Dec 1921 9, 1924
South African Architectural Record () 1925 Dec 1968 became Plan South African Brick Association (periodical) *
South African Builder Jan 1923 Dec 1941 *
South African Building and Allied Trades Manual 1937 (vol 2) 1941 (vol 6) continued as the African Building and Engineering manual.
South African Clayworker and Builder (1) Oct 1903 4 (48) Sep 1907. became South African Architect and Builder 1 (5) Feb 1904.
South African Jewish Year Book. 1965.(Jewish Yr?)
South African Master Builders Annual. 1911, 1913.
South African Master Builder's Federation Journal. 1904 1908, 1916.
South African Lady's Pictorial. 1911 1914
South African Library Quarterly Bulletin *
South African Railways and Harbours Magazine
South African Who's Who 1908, 1909, 1910, 1916 1985. Durban.
Spencer, S O'Byrne. British Settlers in Natal. 1824 1857. A biographical register. Vol 1 (1981)
Spencer, S O'Byrne. British Settlers in Natal. 1824 1857. A biographical register. vol 2 (1983)
Spencer, S O'Byrne. British Settlers in Natal. 1824 1857. A biographical register. Vol 3 (*)
Pietermaritzburg. Natal University press
Spencer, S O'Byrne. British Settlers in Natal. 1824 1857. A biographical register. Vol 4 (*)
Spencer, S O'Byrne. British Settlers in Natal. 1824 1857. A biographical register vol 5 (*)
Spencer, S O'Byrne. British Settlers in Natal. 1824 1857. A biographical register vol 6 (*)
Spoelstra, B. 1924. Ons Volkslewe. Pretoria. Van Schaik.
St Andrew's College Magazine 1978
Sport and sportsmen: South Africa. compiled and edited by the Cape Times s.a. Cape Town. Atkinson & Partners (SA) Ltd
Sport and sportsmen: South Africa and Rhodesia. 1929. compiled and edited by the Cape Times. Cape Town, Atkinson & Partners.
Stamp, G. 1977. Silent cities. Exhibition of memorial and cemetary architecture of the Great War. RIBA Exhibition Cat. London.
Stamp, G. 1985. Personal communication
Standard Encyclopaedia of Southern Africa. 1970 1976. vol 1 12. Cape Town. Nasou.
Star, The, various issues.
State, The *
Strachan 1990: AR Strachan. 1990. Partner in McDONALD & Strachan. Personal communication.
Strutt, DH. 1963. The story of the Durban Club from bafta to baroque.* Cape Town. Howard Timmins.
Stuart Gray, A see Gray, AS
Stuart, J. 1910*. James Stuart Archives. **
S v d Stel Bull : Simon van der Stel Bulletin. 1960 1975, became RESTORICA
Summerson 1947: John Summerson. 1947. The Architectural Association. London. Pleiades.
UCT BC ** (cf F Masey)
UCT BC 318 (Walgate)
UCT BC 353 (Thornton White
UCT BC 747 (Black & Fagg)
UCT Ms and Archives. Currently (1990) in Harry Oppenheimer library building, University of Cape Town.
Uitenhage P & P : Uitenhage past and present. 1804 1904. WSJ Sellick. Uitenhage CC. Uitenhage Times.1904.
UNISA Bul : UNISA Bulletin (Vol 15. No 4. May 1990)
UNSAL : University of Natal, School of Architecture Library.
UP Sch of Arch Doc : University of Pretoria School of architecture documentation.
UTD : United Transvaal Directory. 1907 14, 1918 41. (State Library, Pretoria. Missing 1908, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1915
UWA : University of the Witwatersrand Archives.
Van Bart 1990: ES Van Bart. Moerdijk: vernuwer van NG Kerk argitektuur. Kalender, bylae tot Beeld, 16.5.1990.
Van den Heever, CM; Pienaar, P de V. 1950. Kultuurgeskiedenis van die Afrikaner. vol 3: Die boukuns van die Afrikaner. B van Niekerk. Kaapstad. Nasionale Boekhandel.
Van der Bank 1985: DA van der Bank, article on St Patrick's Church, Batho location in: National museum news. No 29. September 1985 pp 19 21.
Van der Waal 1972. G M van der Waal. 1972. Die karakter van die argitektur in die binnesstad van Johannesburg tot 1920. MA Verhandeling. Johannesburg: Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit.
Van der Waal 1975: G M van der Waal. 1975. Projek opname historiese gebou in Johannesburg. Eerste verslag: Parktown. Dept Kunsgeskiedenis. RAU.
Van der Waal, G M. 1980. Wanooka, an investigation into the architectural historical significance of an Edwardian mansion in Parktown, Johannesburg. Centre for Art Historical Research. Human Sciences Research Council. A report commissioned by Hunt, Leuchars & Hepburn Ltd. Johannesburg. *
Van der Waal, G M. 1984. Die boukuns van Johannesburg, 1886 1940. Unpublished Ph.D. Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit
Van der Waal, G M. 1987. From mining camp to metropolis: the buildings Johannesburg, 1886 1940. Johannesburg. Van Rensburg.
Van Niekerk, B. 1941. Boukuns. Kaapstad. Nasionale Pers
Van Niekerk, B. 1950. Die Boukuns van die Afrikaner. IN: Kultuurgeskiedenis van die Afrikaner. Vol 3 438 77
Van den Heever, CM; Pienaar, P de V. Kaapstad. Nasionale Boekhandel.
Van Zanten, D. 1984, 1985. 1986, 1987, 1988. Personal communications.
Volpe : S Volpe, see Modus 1 vol 2 1987
Wagner 1990 : W Wagner. 1990. Personal communication.
Walgate Papers. BC 318. UCT MS & Arch.
Watson, RGT. 1953. "Garbled Gables". A note on the use and misuse of Cape Dutch architecture. In : The Condenser. vol 3 no 1. Dec 1953. Published by the Tongaat Sugar Co Ltd.
Watson 1989: (cf Chas.Reynolds*)
Watt 1985: Watt, PW (Joubert, Owens, Van Niekerk, Watt & Partners). Personal communication.
Webb 1985: DA Webb, curator Kaffrarian Museum, King William's Town. Personal communication.
Welz, B. 1984. Personal communication.
Welz, M. 1984. Personal communication.
Welz, Inger. 1986. Personal communication with Joanna Walker.
WHK(nox). (Editor). 1933 4. The arts in South Africa. Durban. The Knox printing and publishing Co.
Willmott, ES. 1911. English house design. London. Batsford.
Who's who in architecture. 1914. London. Technical Journals.
Who's who in architecture. 1923. Revised ed. F Chatterton (ed). London. Architectural Press.
Who's who in architecture 1926. F Chatterton (ed). London. Architectural Press.
Who's Who in architecture. 1983. Thea Jackson. South Africa. Thompson publishers (pty) ltd.
Who's who in Natal. 1933. Durban. The Knox Printing & Publ Co.
WW in Arch : Who's who in architecture. 1914. 1923. 1926.
WW in Ntl 1906: The Natal Who's who. 1906.
WW in Ntl 1933: Who's who in Natal, with which is incorporated Women of Natal. 1933.
WW in Pta : Wie is wie in Pretoria. 1952. Pretoria. Reyburn & James.
Yuill, DWB. 1984. The architecture of Kimberley. 1871 1914. M Arch. diss. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Zero hour 1. (only one edition printed) Apr 1933 | |