| Lexicon University of Liverpool School of Architecture _____________________________________________________ The School of Architecture is an architecture school in Liverpool, England, and part of the University of Liverpool. It was the first architecture school in the United Kingdom to be affiliated with a university, and the first to have degree programmes validated by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), in 1895. Visit their website Architects on this website who studied at the school: COWIN, Douglas Maurice, studied architecture under Prof. Reilly for five years from 1928 to 1933COWIN, Elizabeth, studied architecture from 1930 until she graduated in 1935 COWIN, John Norris, studied at the Liverpool School of Architecture from 1924 until he graduated in 1929 CRABTREE, W, was a South African finalist at the Liverpool School of Architecture CROFT, Leslie Thomas, lectured for one year in the Department of Architecture of the Natal University College before taking the degree of BArch at Liverpool University DAVENPORT, Marjorie Ceridwen, studued at the Liverpool School of Architecture GILHAM, Edward Charles, studied at the Liverpool School of Architecture around 1930 where he was awarded the Houan Travelling Scholarship GREGORY, William John Henry (Gregs), in 1920 he was studying at the School of Architecture, Liverpool where he was awarded a number of prizes, a finalist in the Rome Scholarship in Architecture (1921), winner of the Lever Prize (1921) and a Victory Prize finalist. He received a Certificate in Architecture from the School in 1920 HOFMEYR, Jan Hendrik Charles, studied architecture at the School of Architecture at Liverpool from 1932 to 1937 when he graduated HOLFORD, William Graham, attended the Liverpool School of Architecture in 1925, sponsored by the Association of Transvaal Architects. While at Liverpool he was awarded the Waring Travelling Scholarship and in his fourth year he won the American Scholarship of the Society of Arts and Sciences. He graduated from Liverpool in 1930 with Honours. He later taught there HUSSEY, Geoffrey Mark, obtained his Diploma in Architecture from the University of Cape Town and furthered his studies at the University of Liverpool JOHNSTON, Alan Connor, attended the Liverpool School of Architecture between 1929 and 1930 KELLY, Stanley Wilson, trained at the School of Architecture, Liverpool between 1924 and 1929 LIGHTFOOT, Brodrick St Clair, in 1925 he left South Africa for the Liverpool School of Architecture where he studied under Professor Reilly until 1929 LITTLE, J. (ISAA 1959:187) LUNTZ, Abe, left South Africa 1934 to study at the Liverpool School of Architecture where he remained until June 1937 MacGILLIVRAY, Ian Donald, left South Africa to study architecture at the Liverpool School of Architecture MacKENZIE, Kenneth Roland, studied at the Liverpool School of Architecture from June 1921 until July 1927 MANSERGH, Brian George Lewis, studied for a year (1922) at the Liverpool School of Architecture MARGO, Harold David, trained at the School of Architecture, University of the Witwatersrand from 1931 to 1933. He continued his studies at the Liverpool School of Architecture in 1934 from where he qualified MEIRING, Adriaan Louw, attended the Liverpool School of Architecture from October 1929 until July 1932 NAUDÉ, David Francois Hugo, left for Liverpool School of Architecture in 1928/1929, joining the third year under Professor Reilly, graduating from Liverpool in 1932 with Honours in Design PARK-ROSS, Iain. POLICANSKY, Max, attended the School of Architecture, University of Cape Town for a year (1928-9) before leaving for the Liverpool School of Architecture from where he graduated in 1933 ROSS, Iain Park, attended the Liverpool School of Architecture where he qualified in 1933 WATERKEYN, Michael John (ISAA 1969). WILLIAMSON, Frederick from 1912 to 1914 attended part day and evening courses there. |