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University of the Free State School of Architecture


In January 1955 the Department of Architecture and Quantity Surveying opened with 28 students. The first head of the Department was Prof G Quine LAY, who trained at the University of London and obtained his doctorate at the University of the Witwatersrand. At first he was assisted by local architects in a temporary capacity. MC EKSTEEN was later appointed as senior lecturer. Building Science, the first such course to prepare South African students for administrative posts in the building industry, was started in 1962. From 1970 to 1984, Prof Leon ROODT was head of Architecture.
(University of the Free State: From Grey to Gold. The first 100 years of the University of the Free State.)

From 1992 to 2000 Barend Johannes BRITZ was Professor and Head of Department. 'Ora JOUBERT was Head of Department from January 2001 until August 2004.

The School of Architecture hosts the annual Sophia Gray Lectures and Exhibitions.

2015: At the winter graduation ceremony three PhD degrees in Architecture were conferred upon Dr Hendrik AURET, Dr Gerhard BOSMAN and Dr Madelein STOFFBERG. A record for the school and South Africa. (See photograph right)

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