Tshwane (Pretoria), Gauteng

Founded: 1855

Named after the founder, Marthinus Wessel Pretorius, the first President of the South African Republic.


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List of references:

Allen, Vivien. 1971. Kruger's Pretoria: buildings and personalities of the city in the nineteenth century. Cape Town: Balkema. pp All
Andrews, Tom & Ploeger, Jan. 1989. Street and place names of old Pretoria. Pretoria: Van Schaik. pp All
Atkinson, AKW. 1969. Old Ivory and Roses : The Pretoria Club. Pretoria: Wallach s. pp All
Bakker, Karel A, Clarke, Nicholas J & Fisher, Roger C. 2014. Eclectic ZA Wilhelmiens : A shared Dutch built heritage in South Africa. Pretoria: Visual Books. pp 1, 2, 5, 17, 22, 40-47, 73, 75, 78, 99, 113, 114, 133, 136-145, 164, 172, 196, 210
Clarke, Nicholas & Kuipers, Marieke. 2015. Re-centring Tshwane : Urban heritage strategies for a resilient Capital. Pretoria: Visual Books. pp All
De Kock,WJ & Behrens, Louise (translator). 1963. Kruger House : Pretoria, The. Pretoria: Board of Trustees, Transvaal Museum. pp All
Dunston, Lola & Dunston, Tom. 1975. Young Pretoria 1889-1913. Pretoria: Dunston. pp All
Greig, Doreen. 1971. A Guide to Architecture in South Africa. Cape Town: Howard Timmins. pp 188-212
Gunner's Association. s.a. [1978?]. Fort Schanskop 1897 - 1978. Pretoria: Gunner's Association. pp All
Hansen, Friedel . 2018. Nostalgiese Pretoria: ‘n Fotoreis / Nostalgic Pretoria: A Photo Journey. Pretoria: Friedel Hansen. pp All
Heydenrych, Heinie & Swiegers, Abrie. 1999. Discover Pretoria. Pretoria: JL van Schaik. pp All
Krige, Fanie & Van Der Waal, Gerhard-Mark. 1985. Pretoria Museum Park : Yours to discover - Vir u om te ontdek. Pretoria: Pretoria Metropolitan Substructure. pp All
Kuipers, Marieke for Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands. 2015. 'Mapping' Westfort Village at Pretoria, Tshwane. Amersfoort: Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed. pp All
Labuschagne, Elize. 1981. The old Raadsaal, Church Square, Pretoria. Pretoria: Transvaal Provincial Museum Services. pp All
Le Roux, SW. 1991. Plekke en geboue van Pretoria Volume 2. Pretoria: Stadsraad van Pretoria. pp All
Le Roux, SW. 1990. Plekke en geboue van Pretoria Volume 1. Pretoria: Pretoria Argitektuurvereniging. pp All
Le Roux, SW. 1994. Omgewingskwaliteit van die voorstede Craigielea, Fairview, Eastclyffe, Kilberry, Eastwood & Lisdogan Park. Pretoria: Stadsraad van Pretoria. pp All
Le Roux, SW. 1993. Omgewingskwaliteit van die voorstad Arcadia. Pretoria: Stadsraad van Pretoria. pp All
Le Roux, SW & Botes, N. 1993. Plekke en geboue van Pretoria Volume 3. Pretoria: Stadsraad van Pretoria. pp All
Maeder, GA & Zinn, C. 1917. Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren. Capetown: Cape Times. pp 208-211
Mathews, Pieter J & Taljaard (now Spies), Carla. 2015. Cool Capital Biennale. Pretoria: Visual Books. pp All
Meiring, Hannes. 1980. Pretoria 125. Cape Town: Human & Rousseau. pp All
Mendelsohn, Richard. 1991. Sammy Marks : the uncrowned king of the Transvaal. Cape Town: David Philip, Ohio University Press in association with Jewish Publications-South Africa. pp
Oberholster, JJ. 1972. The historical monuments of South Africa. Cape Town: Rembrandt Van Rijn Foundation for Culture at the request of the National Monuments Council. pp 300-309
Picton-Seymour, Désirée. 1989. Historical Buildings in South Africa. Cape Town: Struikhof Publishers. pp 162-175
Picton-Seymour, Désirée & Webster, RIB. 1956. Transvaal Republican : an album of drawings of early Johannesburg and Pretoria. Cape Town: Maskew Miller. pp All
Richardson, Deirdré. 2001. Historic Sites of South Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. pp 204-213
SAR & H. Publicity. 1913. City of Pretoria and Districts, The : An Official Handbook describing the Social, Official, Farming, Mining, and General Progress and Possibilities of the Administrative Capital and Surrounding Districts. Pretoria: Publicity Department, South African Railways. pp All
Volkskas Public Relations. s.a [1972?]. Strijdom Monument [Publication untitled]. Pretoria: Perskor. pp All

List of structures:

House Louw: 1992.
2 shops for Ziman Bros: 1926.
20th Century Cinema: 1939.
5 shops: 1925.
6 Shops for M Liebman: 1924.
7 shops for S Williams: 1932.
94 Church Street - UIF Building: n.d..
Administrative block of the South African Railways: 1964.
African Bank: 1906.
African Buildings, African Arcade: c1907.
Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool Pretoria: c1930. Clydesdale,
Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool Pretoria - Hall: n.d..
Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool Pretoria - Hall - Additions: 2013. Clydesdale,
Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool Pretoria – hostel, project abandoned: 1933.
Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool Pretoria – New sports facility: 2013. Clydesdale,
Afrikaanse Hoër Seunskool: 1920 : 1945 : 1995.
Afrikaanse Hoër Seunskool - Kunstekampus: c2017.
Akademie Building - now the Zambian Embassy: 1983-1984.
Albert Street House - Huis Binnehof: n.d.. Waterkloof,
Alexandra Building: 1889.
Allied Building Society: 1961. Central,
Anglican Cathedral: pre-1905.
Anglican Cathedral, designs for: 1857.
Antares Street House: n.d.. Waterkloof,
Arcadia Bridge: 1894 : 1910. Arcadia,
Arcadia Mansions: 1928. Sunnyside,
Architect’s home-office: c1963. Central,
Arkleton: 1912.
Art Museum: 1964.
Artillery Barracks (Defence Headquarters) Staatsartillerie: c1898.
Asea Electric, Head Office: 1964. Pretoria West,
Assembly of God: 1965.
Australian Embassy and Clubhouse: pre 1993. Arcadia,
Avbob Headquarters: 1989.
Bakery for Malga and Coleman: 1931.
Bank of Africa: c1894.
Bank of Africa Limited Building: 1910. Central,
Barclay Square: 1970. Sunnyside,
Barclays Bank - now First National: 1934.
Barclays Bank branch: 1933.
Barton Keep: 1886-88.
Bauhaus bldg: c1937. Central,
Bel-Air Apartments: n.d..
Belmont Hotel: n.d..
BGE Stores: n.d..
Bioscope, tearoom, offices adj Imperial Hotel: 1928.
Block of boarding rooms: 1931.
Block of flats for Mrs Kusis: 1934.
Block of flats, for Mohamed Ltd: 1934.
Block of Offices, Bureau Lane with JB WYERS: 1934. Central,
Block of rooms for Mrs EL Sherwood,: 1934.
Boarding house for E Linklater: 1930. Arcadia,
Boerstra's Bakery: n.d.. Central,
Botha Mansions: 1962-3.
Bourke Trust Building: 1926?.
Bourke Trust Building: 1923?.
Broadcasting Studios / Ateljeegebou S.A.U.K. : 1950s?.
Broadway Mansion: pre-1933.
Brook House: 1925. Brooklyn,
Brooklyn Mall: 1989.
Building for disinfection of hides: 1897.
Burgers' Park: 1897.
Burgers' Park Caretaker's House: 1905.
Burgers' Park Keeper's Cottage: n.d..
Burlington Chambers: 1934.
Business Complex for Thales Investment: 1960s?.
Cafe Riche: 1905.
Cambray Court: 1968.
Capitol Theatre: 1931.
Capitol Theatre, lnterior, with PR COOKE: 1931. Central,
Castle Carey: n.d.. Pretoria North,
Catholic Cathedral: 1932.
Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception: 1962. Pretoria Gardens,
Celtis Plaza: 1990. Hatfield,
Centenary Building: 1955.
Central Fire Station: 1912. Central,
Central House: 1948.
Chamberlain Store: 1903. Deerness,
Christ Church: 1906 : 1926 : 1959 : 1979. Arcadia,
Christ Scientist Church: 1926.
Christ the King Catholic Church: 1968. Queenswood,
Christian Brothers' College: 1965-1968. Mount Edmund,
Christian Brothers' College: pre-1933.
Christian Brothers' College, residence for the teaching brothers: c1929.
Christian Brothers’ College Staff Dormitory: n.d..
Church: c1955. Voortrekkerhoogte,
Church for Leper Colony: n.d.. Westfort,
Church of Saint Alfons Maria de Liguori - Tuks Chapel: 1925.
Church Square: 1910. Central,
Cinecity Cinema: 1960s?. Laudium,
Citrus Control Board: pre-1950.
City Hall: 1926 - 1935. Central,
Civitas: 1973 : 2009.
Clapham High School: n.d..
Clarendon Court: 1929. Arcadia,
Commission House: 1994.
Community Centre: 1950s?. Laudium,
Congregational Hall: 1932. Sunnyside,
Connaught Bldg: pre-1933.
Constantia Business Centre /: 1950s?.
Constantia Club: n.d..
Convent and School for Sisters of Mercy: 1923. Capital Park,
Cottage Mrs MD Brown: 1930. Hillcrest,
Cottages for Mr Bartlett: 1904.
Council for Industrial and Scientific Research Roads Research Institute / Padnavorsing WNNR: 1950s?. Scientia,
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR): 1950s.
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Administrative Head Offices: 1970s?. Scientia,
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Aerodynamics Building: 1970s?.
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Food Research Institute / Voedingsnavorsingsinstituut W.N.N.R. : 1950s?. Scientia,
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Library / Biblioteek W.N.N.R. : 1950s?. Scientia,
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Mechanical Engineering Block / Meganiese Ingenieurswese WNNR: 1950s?. Scientia,
Council For Scientific and Industrial Research National Food Research Institute Primates Centre: 1950s?.
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Research Animals' Centre / Proefdierstasie WNNR : 1950s?. Scientia,
Country Club, add: 1939.
Court Chambers: n.d..
Court Chambers: c1924.
Courtyard House: 2023. Silverlakes,
Crows Buildings: c1909.
Customs and Excise Building: 1947. Central,
Cuthbert's Bldg: 1931.
Dairy Control Board Offices: 1938.
De Volkstem Building: 1872.
Delville Wood Memorial: c1925.
Dental Clinic: 1936.
Diana Court: n.d.. Pretoria West,
Didacta Building - Museum for Science & Industry: 1967. Central,
District Grand Lodge: n.d..
Ditsong National Museum of Natural History: 1910 : c1997.
DR Ebenhaeser Children’s Church Dpt: n.d..
Dwelling (Conversion): 1963. Hatfield,
E & R Mansions: n.d..
Eaton Hall: 1939.
Eendracht School: 1937.
Elangeni, Die Kraal: 1939 - 1950s. Scientia,
Electrical Sciences Building for the CSIR: 1982.
Elma Court: 1938. Arcadia,
Engelenburghuis: 1903. Arcadia,
Entabini, Additional Block: 1925.
Equilibrium Studio: 2002.
Erasmus Building: c1890.
Eureka Factory: 1904.
Evans Garage (Pty) Ltd, alt, add: 1939.
Fatti's Bldg, flats, store: 1936.
Federal Cold Storage: pre-1910.
Festival Plaza: 1991. Hatfield,
Fire Brigade Station: 1912.
Fire Station, Central: 1912. Central,
First Church of Christ Scientist: c1920.
Flats: 1935.
Flats: 1935.
Flats for Afr & European Investment Co: 1934.
Flats for G Klopper: 1938.
Flats for Greek Community: 1937.
Flats for HT Marais, (Elma Court): 1934.
Flats for Laudium Bus Service: 1960s?. Laudium,
Flats for Mrs Reynolds: 1934. Sunnyside,
Flats for Van der Byl Properties: 1936.
Flats Mrs Ray Friedlander: 1936.
Flats, Cumbrae Investments: 1938.
Flats, James Court: 1938.
Flats, K Georgiades: 1936. Sunnyside,
Flats, Lynham Mansions: n.d..
Flats/rooms for HM Slade: 1930.
Flats/shops for Cacouris Bros: 1935.
Flour Mill: 1926. Pretoria West,
Flower Foundation Flats: n.d..
Fook Island: c1980. Menlo Park,
Fort Daspoortrand: 1896.
Fort Klapperkop: 1896.
Fort Schanskop: 1896.
Fort Wonderboom: 1896.
Fountains Kiosk - First: c1924.
Freedom Park, //hapo: 2010. Salvokop Extention 1,
French Embassy: 1958.
Fuel Research Inst of SA: 1939.
GaMothle - was Bantu Affairs Commissioner: 1932.
Garage for Ackerman's: 1937.
Garage for Alderson & Flitton: 1938.
Garage for Du Plessis: 1937.
General Brink School: 1937. Roberts Heights,
General Garage: pre-1933.
Gereformeerde Kerk: c1930. Pretoria East,
Gereformeerde Kerk: 1930. Sunnyside,
Gereformeerde Kerk: 1951. Brooklyn,
Gereformeerde Kerk: n.d..
Gereformeerde Kerk "Die Kandelaar": 1986. Waverley,
Gereformeerde Kerk - Annlin: 1974. Wonderboom,
Gereformeerde Kerk - Daspoort: 1950-1951. Daspoort,
Gereformeerde Kerk - Derdepoort: 1970. East Lynn,
Gereformeerde Kerk - Innesdal: 1954. Rietfontein,
Gereformeerde Kerk - Oos Moot: 1971. Villieria,
Gereformeerde Kerk - Paul Kruger Church: 1895.
Gereformeerde Kerk - Totiusdal: 1959. Waverley,
Gereformeerde Kerk Pretoria Suid: 1958.
German Club, Pretoria Deutscher Verein Ltd: 1933.
German Old Age Home: 1963. Groenkloof,
German School - First: n.d..
Gilde Huis - Guild House: 1986. Nieuw Muckleneuk,
Gildehuis: 1988.
Giotto's Hill - House Battiss: 1940.
Goldfields Bldg Soc bldg: 1927.
Goodman Bros, add: 1928.
Government Building - Compol Police Museum: c1890.
Government Building, Old: n.d..
Government House: 1903. Bryntirion,
Government Printing Works: 1896 : 1932.
Grand Hotel - President Hotel: c1890.
Greenwood House: c1951.
Gresham Buildings: 1924.
Group Housing Nicholson Street: pre 1993. Brooklyn,
Group Housing Olivier Street: pre 1993. Brooklyn,
Grupel's Court: 1962-3.
Gundelfinger: 1903.
Hakahana - House Stauch: c1959. Kameeldrift,
Hamilton House: pre 1956.
Hannah Court: 1936. Arcadia,
Hatfield Bakery: 1951. Hatfield,
Hatfield Plaza Phase 1 & 2: 1992. Hatfield,
Hatfield Presbyterian Manse: 1930.
Hatfield School: 1920s.
Hatfield Shops and Offices: 1990. Hatfield,
Head Office Department of Science and Technology: 2006.
Headquarters for the Civilian Blind: n.d..
Herbarium, National Botanical Gardens: 1972-1972.
Hercules High School Hall: 1954.
Hercules North School - Additions and alterations: 1946. Mountain View,
High School: 1960s. Menlo Park,
High School: 1960s. Voortrekkerhoogte,
Hillcrest Swimming Pool and facilities: 1940s. Hillcrest,
Hochstetter House: 1937.
Hockey Stadium, Caledonian Sports Grounds: n.d.. Pretoria West,
Hoërskool Waterkloof : School Hub and Student Accommodation: 2014.
Hollard House: 1895.
Hostel and dining room for Pretoria Technical College: 1927. Riviera,
Hotel: 1939.
Hotel Edward: 1937.
Hotel for T Palmos: 1935.
Hotel Imperial: 1906.
Hotel Pretoria: 1926.
House: 1929.
House: 1929. Arcadia,
House: 1924. Sunnyside,
House & Studio Tayob: 1972.
House A de V Marais: 1957. Lynwood,
House A Kraut: 1934. Hatfield,
House A Nyland: 1968. Groenkloof,
House Adv I Curlewis: 1927. Waterkloof,
House Advocate Reitz: c1926.
House Advocate Tindall: pre-1933.
House AH Nellmapius: Albert Lodge: c1885.
House Anderssen: 1939. Pretoria North,
House Anderssen: 1949. The Willows,
House Andrews: 1957. Hatfield,
House Angelopulo, Station Place: 1936. Rissik,
House Anton van Wouw - Now Museum: 1937. Brooklyn,
House AP Schutte: 1969. Waterkloof Ridge Extension 2,
House AS Holzer: 1934.
House ASJ de Bruyn: 1938.
House Attorney Botha: 1940.
House Battiss - Giotto's Hill: 1940. Menlo Park,
House Beauchamp: 1943.
House Behmann, with WG McINTOSH: 1937.
House Bettesworth: 1969-1970. Val de Grace,
House Boerstra, Hatfield: 1938. Hatfield,
House Boerstra, Lynnwood Rd: 1938.
House Boezaart: 1936.
House Booysen: 1939.
House Botha: c. 1959. Montana,
House Bourke: Cloghereen: c1930. Muckleneuk Hill,
House Boyes: 1933. Brooklyn,
House Bradfield: n.d..
House Brink: pre 1993.
House Brinkman: 1969. Pretoria East,
House Burg: 1910. Hillcrest,
House Burg - Diep-in-die-Berg: 1950s.
House Caplan: 1938. Bailey's Muckleneuk,
House Carl Du Plessis: pre 1993.
House Carpenter-Kling: 1975-1976. Waterkloof,
House CJ Erasmus - Bella Vista - Erasmus Castle: 1904. Erasmuskloof,
House Claasen: 1977.
House Claassens: pre 1969 : c2000. Brooklyn,
House Col CL de Villiers: 1930. Waterkloof,
House Cole-Bowen: 1947. The Willows,
House Colonel Maggs: 1932. Waterkloof,
House Comrie: 1997. Newlands,
House CP Bressler: 1933.
House Crosthwaite: 1927. Arcadia,
House Cuff: 1959 : 2014. Waterkloof Ridge,
House D Klaver: 1951. Waterkloof,
House D McDougall: 1935.
House D Wessels (now res West German Ambassador): n.d..
House de Klerk: n.d..
House de la Harpe: n.d.. Brooklyn,
House de Villiers: 2015. Brooklyn,
House Derick: n.d..
House DJF Schribante: 1954. Groenkloof,
House Doherty: c1967. Waterkloof Ridge,
House Douw van der Merwe, MPC: 1924.
House Dr AD Thomas: 1934. Gezina,
House Dr AG McKermann: 1935.
House Dr EL Grové: 1955. Groenkloof,
House Dr FJ de Villiers: 1936. Brooklyn,
House Dr FWP Clewer: 1933.
House Dr G de Kock: 1938. Brooklyn,
House Dr H Meyer: c.1950s. Waterkloof,
House Dr H Monnig: 1936. Brooklyn,
House Dr Herning: 1930. Arcadia,
House Dr HJ Besselaar: n.d..
House Dr JF Jeffries: 1923.
House Dr JG Bekker: 1935. Brooklyn,
House Dr JH Rademeyer: 1936. Brooklyn,
House Dr LC Steyn: 1939. Brooklyn,
House Dr Meyer: 1933. Brooklyn,
House Dr Rousseau: 1928.
House Dr SP Viljoen: 1935. Muckleneuk,
House du Plessis: 2015. Groenkloof,
House Everard: 1929?. Waterkloof,
House EW Sugden: 1923. Arcadia,
House F Delfos: 1938. Waterkloof,
House F Hill: 1930. Hillcrest,
House FJH Andrea: 1930.
House for a nameless friend: n.d..
House for Government Printer: n.d..
House G Gascoine: 1935. Muckleneuk,
House Gauché: 2013?. Silver Lakes Golf Estate,
House George Heys, Melrose House: 1887.
House GFC Dent: 1904.
House Giovanetti, MP: pre-1933.
House GJ Oosthuizen: 1968. Groenkloof,
House GP Hughes: 1939. Hillcrest,
House H Adams: 1929.
House HA de Loor: 1937. Muckleneuk,
House Hart: c1930. Loveday St,
House HD Grant Mackenzie: n.d..
House Hefer: 2012. Leeuwfontein Estates,
House Henk Doyer: 1958. Hillcrest,
House HJ van Dyk: 1954. Groenkloof,
House HJ Visser: 1952. Valhalla,
House HL Malherbe: 1935. Brooklyn,
House HN Ennis Burgers: 1934. Brooklyn,
House HN Everard: n.d..
House Holsboer: 1956. Waterkloof,
House Hon PGN Grobler, MLA, Minister of Lands: c1931.
House Honiball: 1981.
House I Wentzel: 1933. Brooklyn,
House J de Beer: 1957. Queenswood,
House J de Ridder: 1956. Groenkloof,
House J Joubert: 1935. Brooklyn,
House J Kirkness, Muckleneuk: c1929.
House J McIlwrath: 1939.
House J Pretorius Botha: 1933. Brooklyn,
House J Schnettler: 1963. Groenkloof,
House JA Basson: 1935.
House Janssens: n.d..
House JC Ackerman: 1928.
House JG Boswell: 1939.
House JH Basson: 1963. Riviera,
House JH van Vuuren: 1938. Brooklyn,
House JJ Stein (Steyn)?: 1936. Baileys Muckleneuk,
House JL van Schaik: 1926.
House JM McTroup (?): pre-1933.
House Jonker: n.d.. Silver Lakes,
House Jooste: 1965. Waterkloof Ridge,
House Jordaan: 1970. Lynwood Manor,
House Joubert: pre 1993. Waterkloof,
House Judge Maritz: c1924. Brooklyn,
House Judge Mason: 1904.
House Judge Murray: c1924. Brooklyn,
House Kahn: 1983. Menlyn,
House Kallmeyer: 1935.
House Kiepersol for self, Kameeldrift: n.d.. Pretoria East,
House Kleyn: 1945.
House Kleyn: Parkzicht: 1895.
House Kolver: 1967-1968. Groenkloof,
House Konya: c1968. Hillcrest,
House Krahmann, project: 1931.
House L Cohen: 1937. Hatfield,
House L du P Malan: 1957. Waverly,
House Lawrie, 'Tigablas': c1928. Muckleneuk,
House LD van Niekerk: 1954. Groenkloof,
House LG Runhaar: 1963. Groenkloof,
House Lionel Curtis: The White House: 1906. Muckleneuk,
House Louw: 1944.
House Louw: 2010.
House Louw - Gravity and Light: 1910 : c2017. Waterkloof,
House LR Webb: 1936. Colbyn,
House Lulu Grobbelaar: 1972.
House M Jacobson: 1930.
House M Liebson: 1930. Brooklyn,
House Maartens: c. 959.
House Mabet: 1996. Waterkloof,
House McIntosh: 1936-7.
House Mehl: 1990.
House Meintjes: 1924. Sunnyside,
House Meischke: 190?.
House MG Nicholson: 1935.
House Michal: pre 1971. Waterkloof Ridge,
House MJ Champher: 1956. Groenkloof,
House Moerdyk: c1926.
House Moolman - Rotsvas: pre 1971. The Willows,
House Morgan: c1923.
House Morton: 1935. Colbyn,
House Mrs Griffin: 1935. Colbyn,
House Munro: 1932.
House MW Jordaan: 1957. Groenkloof,
House N van der Merwe: 1955. Meyerspark,
House Neethling: n.d.. Brooklyn,
House Newham: c1937. Waterkloof,
House Nieuwenhuys: c2017.
House NJ Smith: 1936. Bailey's Muckleneuk,
House NK Schmidt: 1938. Brooklyn,
House OC Vermeulen: 1956. Muckleneuk,
House Oosthuizen: 2011.
House P Jooste: 1939.
House Pieter Haak Sr: 1947.
House Pieterse: pre 1993.
House Pieterse: pre 1993.
House PR Pretorius: 1952.
House Price: c1934. Brooklyn,
House Prof L Fouche: 1924. Arcadia,
House PSM Arbuthnot - now Brook House: 1925. Brooklyn,
House Quinlan: n.d..
House R Dyason: 1939.
House R Stewart: 1938. Brooklyn,
House R Weir: 1934. Colbyn,
House Rosa - Alterations and Additions: 2008. Brooklyn,
House S Pefanis: 1939.
House S Pienaar: 1953. Rietondale,
House Sandrock: 1960. Muckleneuk,
House Schiess: c1965. Lynwood,
House SD de Ridder: 1964. Groenkloof,
House Sharman: n.d..
House Sir James Rose-Innes: 1904.
House Sir William Solomon, MP: pre-1905.
House Smit: 2016.
House Smit: c1960. Lukasrand,
House Stauch: 1939. Villieria,
House Steyn: 1938.
House Steyn: 1998.
House Steyn: 2011. Serengeti Golf and Wildlife Estate,
House Steyn/Kunz: 2006.
House Strachan: n.d..
House Stretton: n.d..
House Taylor: 2011.
House Theron: n.d..
House V Pocock, MP: pre-1933.
House van den Berg: 1964. Lynnwood,
House van Schaik: 1963. Waterkloof,
House van Zyl: 1959-1960. Waterkloof Ridge,
House Vrba: pre 1993. Waterkloof,
House W Dehning: 1958. Groenkloof,
House W M Struben: n.d..
House Walbridge: 2008. Waterkloof Ridge,
House Walker: 1966-1967.
House Warmenhoven: 2014.
House Watermeyer: 1905.
House WB Cleeves: 1925. Sunnyside,
House Wessels: pre 1993. Brooklyn,
House Westenberg and van der Made, Mea Vota, then NZASM Memorial House: 1899.
House Wheeler: 1935.
House Wheeler (Stauch): 1935.
House Winkley: 1944-1945. Villieria,
House Wium: 1979. Wonderboom,
House WJ du Plessis: 1955. Groenkloof,
House WM Pattison: c1930. Brooklyn,
House WN Holden: 1927. Muckleneuk Ridge,
House Z Taylor: c1927.
House, Lynwood Glen: pre 1971.
Houses for the SA Township & Mining Co: n.d.. Waterkloof,
Houses, with SW WIERDA: 1895.
Huis Ackermann: 1987.
Huis Frans Boshoff: 1988.
Huis Kruger: 1986. Faerie Glen,
Huis Shaw: 1990. Waterkloof,
Huis Skawran: 1935 : n.d.. Brooklyn,
Huis Steyn: 1987. Faerie Glen,
Impala Bldg: 1936. Central,
Imperial Hotel, add: 1933.
Indian School: 1934. Pretoria West,
Iscor Club, Old Race Course: 1937. Pretoria West,
Iscor Head Office: n.d..
ISCOR Office Block: c1940.
ISCOR Office Block: c1915.
Ivy Villa Stables Conversion and Studio: 1995. Clydesdale,
I•CAT Environment Solutions: c2017.
Johannesburg Building Society (JBS) Building: 1931.
Johannesburg High School: 1906.
Johnston's Ltd bldg: 1937.
Katzenellenbogen Limited Wholesale Merchants Head Office Building: 1897. Central,
Kaya Rosa, University of Pretoria: 1895.
Kee Enterprises: n.d..
Kenmauval: 1962.
Kirkness Brick Factory: 1888. Groenkloof,
Kirkness Building: 1906.
Kleinteater - Little Theatre: 1961. Central,
Koedoe Arcade: 1934. Central,
Kruger House: 1883.
Krygkor Board Room: 1970s?.
Kynoch Building: pre 1889.
Land and Agricultural Bank of SA: 1926 : 1932.
Land Bank Headquarters: 1966.
Law Chambers: 1893.
Leeubrug: 1894 : 1910. Arcadia,
Lembro flats: 1938.
Leprozen-Inrigting / Leprosy Asylum / now Westfort Village: 1897-1898.
Les Mansions: c1932. Sunnyside,
Lewis Outfitters: c1935.
Libertas (now Mahlamba Ndlopfu): 1940.
Libri Building - Van Schaik's Bookshop: 1935. Central,
Lion Bridge: 1894 : 1910. Arcadia,
Little Theatre - Kleinteater: 1961. Central,
Lockley's Boarding House, annexe: 1930.
Loft House: 2008. Lynwood Manor,
Loretto Convent, annexe: pre-1912.
Louis Botha Memorial Home for Children / Louis Botha Home / Tshwane Regional Hospital Pharmacy: 1923 : 1933. Prinshoff,
Lucas Service Station: 1936.
Lukasrand Tower: n.d..
Lunatic Asylum - Doctors House: 1897.
Lutheran Church: 1993.
Machine Building Artillery Camp: 1897.
Mackay Mansions: 1930?.
Magaliesberg Co-op Grain Soc Bldg: 1935.
Mahlamba Ndlopfu (was Libertas): 1940. Bryntirion,
Maize Control Board: pre-1950.
Marchie Mansions: 1937.
Mariamman Temple: 1928-1938 : 2011. Marabastad,
Maritime House: pre-1950.
Market bldgs, renov: n.d..
Market Building: c1892.
Marks Building - Gundelfinger - Metro Cycle House: 1903.
Martin Jonkers Motors Car Complex: 1960s?.
Master Builders' Association Office Building : 1980-83. Central,
Maxfeld Mansions: 1935. Central,
McIntosh Memorial Window: 1983.
Mealie Control Board Offices: 1939. Arcadia,
Mears Street Flats: c1968.
Meat Board Building: 1952.
Medical and Dental Board Building: 1983. Arcadia,
Medical Research Council: 1950s?.
Meetse a Bophelo Primary School: 2011. Mamelodi,
Melrose House: 1887.
Memory Box Station: 2015.
Menlo Park Hoërskool: pre 1993. Menlo Park,
Mental Hospital, Pretoria: n.d..
Merino Building: 1987. Central,
Merton Keep: 1895. Arcadia,
Metro Cycle House: 1903.
Metro Hotel: 1937. Pretoria West,
Metro Masjid Mosque: post 1994.
Military College: c1899. Roberts Heights,
Military Health Base Depot: 2015. Thaba Thswane,
Minorca Court: n.d..
Mission Churches for CPSA: Lady Selborne: c1932. Atteridgeville,
Mitchell's Court: 1935.
Model Dairy Butter factory, add: 1933.
Moedersbond Maternity Hospital: 1931. Arcadia,
Moedersbond Maternity Hospital : New facilities: c. 1966. Arcadia,
Moedersbond Vroue Hospitaal en Kraaminrigting: 1925. Arcadia,
Monastery Hall including WWII memorial: 1944-6.
Moth Memorial Centre - Moth Club: 1948.
Mothwa Haven - Chapel: 1960s?. Eloffsdal,
Motor Garage, for Rodda: 1934.
Muckleneuk House: c1929.
Muckleneuk House: 1960s.
Municipal Fountain: 2010.
Munitoria: 1967-1969.
Natal Bank: c1894.
National Bank Chambers: 1903.
National Chemical Laboratory: n.d..
National Club: 1923.
National Library of South Africa: 2009.
National Zoological Gardens, bldgs: n.d..
National Zoological Gardens, Monkey & Carnivora House: 1930.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1960s [?]. Groenkloof,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1927. Sunnyside,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1948. Villieria,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1972. Waverley,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1883-1885. Central,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1854-1855.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1961. Riviera,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1946. Quaggapoort,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1960s [?]. Waterkloof,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1960s [?]. Harmonie,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1960s [?]. South-East,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1959. Moregloed,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Ebenhaeser: 1953.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Grootkerk: 1902-1906.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Hartbeesspruit: 1962. Hatfield,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Pretoria Oos: 1928.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Rietfontein-Noord: 1955.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Universiteitsoord: 1966.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Villieria Oos: 1961. Villieria,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - [DRC Centre]: 1969. Burger's Park,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk Noord-Oos: 1970. Kilnerpark,
Nederduitse Hervormde Kerk: n.d.. Pretoria West,
Nederduitse Hervormde Kerk: 1904-1905.
Nederduitse Hervormde Kerk: 1937. Central,
Nederduitse Hervormde Kerk: n.d.. Wonderboom South,
Nederduitse Hervormde Kerk - Tivoli Theatre: c1880s.
Nederduitse Hervormde of Gereformeerde Kerk Pastorie: 1950s?. South East Pretoria,
Nederlandsche Bank en Crediet Vereniging: 1896.
Nel Garden Pavilion: 1997.
Nellmapius Bridge: 2011.
Netherlands Bank - First: 1888. Central,
Netherlands Bank - Second: 1896. Central,
Netherlands' Bank: Bank of Netherlands - Nedbank: 1953. Pretoria Central,
New Apostolic Church: 1928.
New House for Minister: c1960.
New Offices for GWA Studio: 2011. Muckleneuk,
New Residence: 2015. Waterkloof,
NG Kerksaal - Hall - Pretoria Oos: n.d..
NG Kerksaal - Hall - Rietfontein-Noord: 1968.
NGK Pastorie [Parsonage]: c.1959. Wonderboom,
NGK Saal - Hall - Ebenhaeser: 1969.
Normal College, admin & science block: 1936.
Normal College, new bldgs: 1909.
Norwich Union Building: n.d..
NZASM Building: c1894.
NZASM Eastern Line: 1889-1894.
NZASM Eastern Line Bridge over the Apies River: 1894.
NZASM Eastern Line Culvert west of Salt Creek: 1894-1896.
NZASM Goods Offices: 1896.
NZASM Headquarters Building: 1964.
NZASM Headquarters Residence: 1888. Central,
NZASM House: 1894.
NZASM South-Eastern Line: 1894-1896.
NZASM Southern Line Large stone culvert Christina de Witt Drive: 1894-1896.
NZASM Southern Line Large stone culvert over Eeufees Spruit: 1894-1896.
NZASM Southern Line Railway Station - Fonteinen (Fountains): 1896.
NZASM Station Master's House: 1887.
NZASM-Hof - Salvokop NZASM Village: n.d.. Salvokop,
Oaktree Studio: n.d.. Hazelwood,
Office block at new Iron & Steel Works (ISCOR): 1931.
Office Block for East Sunnyside Holdings: 1950s?. Sunnyside,
Office block for SA Assn Municipal Workers: 1939.
Officers' Houses: 1890s.
Ohlsson's Brewery, beer hall: 1937. Gezina,
Old Arts Building - University of Pretoria: 1911.
Old Mint - Second: n.d.. Central,
Old Mint: Convert to National Cultural History Museum - African Window: n.d..
Old Mutual: 1930.
Oliver Tambo House (was Over-Vaal): 1937.
Onderstepoort Veterinary Sciences Research Station: 1908.
One on Mutual: 2017.
Ons Eerste Volksbank: 1930.
Oos-Eind School: c. 1904. Travenna,
Opera House: 1903.
Orange Court: 1931.
Ormonde Street 37: n.d.. Muckleneuk,
Osborne House: n.d.. Brooklyn,
Ou Lettere gebou - University of Pretoria: 1911.
Over-Vaal: 1935.
Palace of Justice: 1898. Central,
Paramount CTC: n.d..
Pathology Laboratory: n.d..
Patterns Warehouse: 1897.
Paul Kruger Statue: 1896 : 1899 : 1954. Central,
Peri-Urban Headquarters Building: 1959. Central,
Pigalle Centre: c1968. Sunnyside,
Plaza Bioscope: 1931.
Plaza Kinema: 1928.
Plaza Kinema: 1931.
Police Station: 1950s?. Pretoria West,
Polleys Arcade - Wachthuis: 1959. Central,
Post and Telegraph Office: 1887.
Post Office: 1909.
Post Office and Landdrost office, Church Sq: 1887.
Post Office Headquarters: n.d..
Poyntons Building: 1969.
Presbyterian Church Hall: 1934.
Presbyterian Hall: 1923. Hatfield,
President Kruger's house: 1883.
President Theatre: 1888.
President’s Centre: n.d..
Pretoria Academic Hospital: n.d..
Pretoria Academic Hospital, Administration: n.d..
Pretoria Art Museum: 1967. Arcadia,
Pretoria Bowling Club House: 1930.
Pretoria Boys' High School: 1909.
Pretoria Boys' High School, swimming baths: 1934.
Pretoria Club, also called Second (2nd) Pretoria Club: 1889. Central,
Pretoria Country Club: n.d..
Pretoria General Hospital, Cassim Adam Ward for women and children (extention): 1940.
Pretoria General Hospital, ward: 1938.
Pretoria High School for Girls: n.d..
Pretoria High School for Girls, North House hostel: 1912.
Pretoria High School for Girls, swimming bath: 1938.
Pretoria Hospital, sketch scheme only: pre-1925.
Pretoria Lunatic Asylum - Four keepers houses: 1893.
Pretoria News printing works and offices: 1923.
Pretoria Rugby Club: n.d..
Pretoria West Methodist Church: 1935.
Pretoria West Methodist Manse: n.d..
Pretoria: Hospital, sketch scheme only: n.d..
Pretorium Building: 1960s. Central,
Prime Minister's residence: 1935.
Princess Christian Home: n.d..
Princess Christian Home, dining room: 1930.
Provincial Home: 1934. Rietfontein,
Prudential Bldg, Church Square: n.d..
Prudential Buildings: 1936.
Queen Street Mosque: 1928.
Queen Victoria Cottage Hospital: 1904. Arcadia,
Raadsaal: 1889. Central,
Radcliffe Observatory and houses, Klapperkop: 1930.
Radio-isotopes Laboratory: n.d..
Radloff Centre: pre 1993. Arcadia,
Railway Institute - now Berea Park: 1907.
Railway Station, Main: 1908 : 1928. Central,
Ravel House: 1936. Central,
Reddingshuis vir Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouefederasie: n.d. : 1936. Central,
Reserve Bank: 1927 - 1930.
Reserve Bank Head Office: 1987.
Reserve Investment Building and Cafe Riche: 1905. Central,
Residency Hotel, alt: 1924.
RGN-Gebou: 1986.
Rietfontein Combanis Flats: 1960s?. Rietfontein,
Rondalia Office Block: 1950s?.
Rosary Lodge (later Khanya House), Catholic Club for young ladies: 1939.
Rose Mansions: n.d..
SA Mutual Life Assurance Building: 1927.
SA Perm Mutual Bldg: 1924.
Saambou Headquarters: 1960s?.
SAAME: pre-1950.
SABC, new studio: 1937.
SABS Administration Building: 1973.
SABS Laboratories: 1973.
Salisbury House: pre-1950.
Salisbury House: 1937. Central,
Sammy Marks Fountain: 1905.
Sammy Marks Square: 1993.
San Torini: n.d.. Sunnyside,
SANLAM Building: pre 1942.
Sanlam Offices: 1990.
SATU House: 1951.
Savelkouls: 1949. Central,
Savoy Court: 1947. Arcadia,
Saxon Buildings: After 1897.
Scheiding Street Bus Station: 1992.
School for the Cerebral Palsied: n.d..
Schweickerdt's flats: 1935.
Scottish War Memorial, Burgers' Park: 1926. Central,
Sher Court: 1935. Central,
Shops: 1937. Colbyn,
Shops and offices for F Postma,: 1927.
Shops and Rooms for Max Neifeld,: 1933.
Shops for Arcades Ltd,: 1932.
Shops for Kaplan & Hope: 1937. Arcadia,
Shops for Kessel & Co Ltd: 1933. Pretoria West,
Shops for Mr Bell: 1939. Gezina,
Shops for Transvaal Arcades Ltd: 1931.
Shops Messrs Mohamed: 1932.
Shops Stein: 1965-1966.
Shops/flats D Meyer: 1939.
Shops/flats for Mrs M Kuisis: 1930.
Shops/flats for Ned Herv Church: 1936.
Shops/offices for TJ Rodda Estate: 1925.
Showroom and Warehouse: 1960s?.
Simon Bekker School: 1935. Pretoria West,
Six shops: 1925.
Skuinsbos: pre 1993.
Solomon Mahlangu Statue: 2005. Mamelodi,
Somerset House, Vermeulen St (attrib): c1932.
South African Air Force Memorial: 1962. Thaba Tshwane (previously Voortrekkerhoogte, before Robert Heights),
South African Bureau of Standards Animal Houses: 1950s?.
South African Bureau of Standards Engine Test Building: 1950s?.
South African Bureau of Standards Explosion Hazards Block: 1950s?.
South African Bureau of Standards Faraday Cage Block: 1950s?.
South African Bureau of Standards Flame Test Block: 1950s?.
South African Bureau of Standards Non-Destructive Testing Block: 1950s?.
South African Bureau of Standards Radiation Physics Building: 1970s?.
South African Bureau of Standards Sports Club: 1950s?.
South African Police Memorial: 1984.
South African Police Single Quarters: 1962.
Southbourne Flats for Mrs Golding: 1935.
Southern Life Building: 1923.
Southern Life Buildings: n.d.. Central,
Spectro Headquarters: 1960s?.
Springbok flats, (since altered): c1938.
Springbok Park: 1930 : 1960.
St Alban's Cathedral: 1905-1909 : 1958. Central,
St Alban's Cathedral plans, not used: 1878.
St Alban's Hostel for Girls: n.d..
St Alfons Maria de Liguori - Alt: 1925-6.
St Alphonsus Monastery and Priests' House: n.d..
St Andrew's Bldgs: 1936. Central,
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church: 1906.
St Columba's Catholic Church: n.d..
St John Vianney Seminary: 1950-1952.
St Joseph's Catholic Church: 1959.
St Mary's Diocesan School for Wantage Community: 1928. Hillcrest,
St Michael's Church, Sunnyside: 1908. Sunnyside,
St Patrick's Church: pre-1912. La Rochelle,
St Paul's Church of England: c1932. Central,
St Peter's Lutheran Church: 1890.
St Peter's Lutheran Church: 1964.
St Pius X Catholic Church: 1957.
St Saviour's Anglican Church: 1911. Pretoria West,
St Wilfred's Anglican Church: n.d.. Hillcrest,
Staats Meisjesskool: 1899.
Staatsmodel School: 1897.
Standard Bank: n.d..
Standard Bank: 1931.
Standard Bank: 1894c. Central,
Standard Bank Church Square: n.d..
State Artillery Barracks: 1898.
State Bank and Mint: 1892-1893. Central,
State Girls' School: 1894.
State Gymnasium: 1898.
State Library: 1937-1940.
State Museum - Staatsmuseum: 1899-1904.
State Shelter Expansion: 1896.
State Theatre: 1981.
Statistics South Africa - ISibalo House: 2017.
Sterland: pre 1993.
Steyn's Garage, add: 1939.
Stone House: 2008.
Store Brothers Building: 1906.
Strijdom Monument: 1972.
Summit Place: 2017. Menlyn,
Suzmann Showroom, Warehouse and Offices: 1950s.
Synagogue: 1897. Central,
Synagogue, Adath Israel Congregation: 1936.
Synagogue,add: 1924.
T.W. Beckett Ltd: pre-1933.
Technical College: 1926.
Telkom Towers: 1965.
The Guild of Loyal Women Hall (Cecil Hall): 1908. Sunnyside,
Thibault Bldgs: n.d.. Central,
Tiny Town (was Trianon Building): 1929.
Tivoli Theatre: c1880s.
Tolplan Head Office: 2008. Lynwood,
Town Hall: 1905.
Transoranje Skool vir Dowes/School for the Deaf: 1954. Pretoria West,
Transvaal Hotel - First: pre 1888.
Transvaal Hotel - Second: 1899.
Transvaal Mortgage Loan and Finance Co Building: 1889.
Transvaal Museum: 1910.
Transvaal Provincial Administration Headquarters Building: 1962.
Transvaal University College: 1929.
Transvaal University College, preliminary schemes: pre-1911.
Transvaalse Landbou Unie Hoofkantoor / Transvaal Farmers' Union Headquarters: 1950s?.
Transvalia: pre-1950.
Transvalia School for Epileptics: 1970s?.
Trianon Building (now Tiny Town): 1929.
Trysa Trust Bldg: 1928.
Tshwane University of Technology, Architecture Wing: 2013?.
Tudor Chambers: 1904. Central,
TW Beckett Bldg: 1925. Central,
Two Houses: 1987.
uMkhonto we SIzwe Memorial: n.d.. Mamelodi,
Unie Boekhandel / Book Dealers: 1950s?. Hatfield,
Union Buildings: 1909-1913.
Union Buildings, preliminary schemes: pre-1911.
Union Hotel, additions: 1936.
Union Park Gate Mansions: c1939. Arcadia,
Union Tennis Club, Pavilion: 1928.
UNISA Library: 1988.
UNISA Library: 1960.
UNISA Old Mutual Auditorium and Senate House: 1972.
United Bldgs: n.d.. Central,
United Building Society: 1926.
United Building Society Building: n.d..
University of Pretoria Mathematics and Science Building: 1950s?. Hatfield,
University of Pretoria Transvaal University College Building (Ou Lettere Gebou / Old Arts Building): 1911.
University of Pretoria, 'Kaya Rosa' : 1895.
University of Pretoria, Administration Building: 1968.
University of Pretoria, Administration Building - First: 1930.
University of Pretoria, AE du Toit Auditorium & Annexe: 1956.
University of Pretoria, Agricultural Annex: 1922.
University of Pretoria, Agricultural Sciences Building: 1921.
University of Pretoria, Arnold Theiler Building: n.d.. Onderstepoort,
University of Pretoria, Aula and Rautenbach Hall: 1958.
University of Pretoria, Bateman Laboratory: 1949.
University of Pretoria, Botany Building: 1940 : 1959.
University of Pretoria, Building Sciences - Boukunde: 1960 : 1972 : 2018. Hillcrest,
University of Pretoria, Centenary Building: 2008.
University of Pretoria, Chancellors Building: 1958 : 1963.
University of Pretoria, Chemistry Block: 1943 : 1956 : 1958.
University of Pretoria, Communication Pathology Building: 1930.
University of Pretoria, Conference Centre: 1992.
University of Pretoria, Drama Building: 1928.
University of Pretoria, Economic and Management Sciences Building: 1989-90.
University of Pretoria, Engineering 2 Building: 1960.
University of Pretoria, Engineering Tower: 1975.
University of Pretoria, Entrance Gate : n.d.. Hillcrest,
University of Pretoria, Erika Hostel: 1968.
University of Pretoria, Experimental Farm: n.d..
University of Pretoria, Extra Mural building: 1964. Central,
University of Pretoria, Faculty of Economics: n.d..
University of Pretoria, Faculty of Law Building: 2004.
University of Pretoria, Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute Building I: 1999.
University of Pretoria, Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute Building II: 2002.
University of Pretoria, Future Africa Innovation Campus - Conference Centre: 2018.
University of Pretoria, Future Africa Innovation Campus - Housing Complex: 2018.
University of Pretoria, Future Africa Innovation Campus - Main Building: 2018.
University of Pretoria, Geography Building: 1956.
University of Pretoria, Geology Block: n.d..
University of Pretoria, Graduate Centre: 1997.
University of Pretoria, Hatfield Campus: 1909-.
University of Pretoria, Highperformance Sport Centre: 2002.
University of Pretoria, Huis-en-Haard: n.d..
University of Pretoria, Humanities building - second: n.d..
University of Pretoria, Humanities Tower: 1977.
University of Pretoria, Information Technology Building: 1981.
University of Pretoria, Javett Art Centre: 2019.
University of Pretoria, JJ Theron Lecture Hall: 1920.
University of Pretoria, Lier Theatre: n.d..
University of Pretoria, Masker Theatre: n.d..
University of Pretoria, Mathematics Building - First: 1930-1931.
University of Pretoria, Mathematics Building - Second: 1954.
University of Pretoria, Mechanical Engineering Workshop: 1958.
University of Pretoria, Medical Campus: n.d..
University of Pretoria, Mens' Hostel - House Mopane: 1982.
University of Pretoria, Merensky 2: 1971-1975.
University of Pretoria, Merensky Library: 1933. Hillcrest,
University of Pretoria, Mineral Science Building: 1955.
University of Pretoria, Musaion and Amphitheatre: 1958.
University of Pretoria, Natural Sciences I Building: 1987.
University of Pretoria, Natural Sciences II Building: 1961.
University of Pretoria, North-campus Office building: c1957.
University of Pretoria, Old Monastry Complex - Monastery Hall: n.d..
University of Pretoria, Old Monastry Complex - Tukkiewerf: 1925.
University of Pretoria, Pathology Building: n.d..
University of Pretoria, Physical Education: n.d..
University of Pretoria, School of Dentistry: n.d..
University of Pretoria, School of Theology: 1951.
University of Pretoria, Sports Centre: 1983.
University of Pretoria, Stoneman Building: 1949.
University of Pretoria, Student Affairs Building: 1915.
University of Pretoria, Student Centre: 1995.
University of Pretoria, Student Union Clubhouse: 1930.
University of Pretoria, Study Centre: 1995.
University of Pretoria, Technical Services Building: 1975.
University of Pretoria, Theo van Wyk Building: 1972.
University of Pretoria, van der Graaf Accelerator: 1963.
University of Pretoria, Vetman Building: 1949.
University of Pretoria, Visual Arts Building: 1948.
University of Pretoria, Women Students' Hostel: 1957. Sunnyside,
University of Pretoria, Women's Residence – ‘Asterhof’: 1957. Hatfield,
University of Pretoria, Women’s Residence – ‘House Nala’: 1958. Hatfield,
University of Pretoria, Xayata Residence: n.d..
University of Pretoria, Zoology Building: 1924.
University of South Africa - UNISA: 1970s -. Muckleneuk,
University of South Africa, Administration and Library Building, Former: 1957.
University of South Africa, Avondale Flats: n.d..
University of South Africa, Blue House: n.d..
University of South Africa, Double-Storey House: n.d..
University of South Africa, Flats Huis Potgieter: n.d..
University of South Africa, Flats Struktura: n.d..
University of South Africa, House 221: n.d..
University of South Africa, House 243: n.d..
V and J Offices: pre 1993. Brooklyn,
Vacuum Oil Co Stores: 1926.
Valley Methodist: pre 1993. Villieria,
Valley Mohamed & Co: 1930.
Van Der Stel Building: 1953.
Van Riebeek Bldg for Professional Investment: 1937.
Van Riebeek Medical Bldg: 1935.
Van's Garage: n.d..
Vatica Centre: n.d.. Brooklyn,
Velra House: pre-1950.
Venning Park: n.d..
Vernon Maisonettes, add: 1934.
Victoria Bridge: pre 1903.
Victoria Cottage Hospital: 1904. Arcadia,
Victoria Hotel (originally Hollandia Hotel): 1890s. Central,
Villa Miss L Wood: 1930. Muckleneuk,
Volksbank: 1923.
Volksbank: 1923. Central,
Volksbank: 1930 : 1941 : 1947.
Volkshospitaal: 1890.
Volkskas: c1935.
Volkskas Bank - now ABSA: 1961. Silverton,
Volkskas Bank - now ABSA: 1960. Hermanstad,
Volkskas Bank - now ABSA: n.d..
Volkskas Bank - Shubert Street Branch: 1960s?.
Volkskas Building - Now ABSA Centre: 1976.
Voortrekker Monument: 1938-1949.
Voortrekkers' Gedenksaal - Memorial Hall: c1930.
VS Simpson bldg: 1928.
Wachthuis: n.d.. Central,
Wag 'n Bietjie: 1990. Olympus,
War Memorial, Union Buildings Garden: c1925.
Warehouse for Polliack & Mackay: 1937.
Warehouse Telegraph Department: 1897.
Waterkloof Place: n.d.. Waterkloof,
Waverley Restaurant: 1903.
Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital: 1892 : 1907.
Wesleyan Church: pre-1910. Pretoria West,
Wesleyan Memorial Hall: 1930. Sunnyside,
Wesleyan Methodist Church: n.d.. Central,
Wesleyan Methodist Church - Second: pre-1901. Central,
West Central Afrikaans Medium School: 1920s.
Wheat Control Board: pre-1950.
Wheat Industry Control Board: 1939.
Whitecrook: 1938.
Wierda Bridge - ZAR Road Bridge over Hennops River, 'S(Z)esmylspruit': 1891. Swartkops,
Wilson Rowntree Warehouse: 1965-1966.
Woltemade Building: 1961.
Women’s residence – ‘Jasmyn’: 1959. Hatfield,
Wonderboom Airport: n.d.. Wonderboom,
Wonderpark Shopping Centre: 1985. Karenpark,
Woolworth's Building: 1930s.
ZAR Road Bridge over Hennops River, 'S(Z)esmylspruit' - Wierda Bridge: 1891. Swartkops,
ZAR Road Bridge over the Apies River - Leeubrug - Lion Bridge - Arcadia Bridge: 1894 : 1910. Arcadia,
ZAR Road Bridge over the Apies River, 'Arcadia' Bridge: 1888-1894. Arcadia,
ZAR Road Bridge over the Apies River, Jacob Maré Street Bridge: 1888-1900. Sunnyside,
Zieman's Bldg: 1927.
Zuid-Afrikaans Hospitaal: 1936.
Zwartkop Country Club: n.d..