Hlohlolwane (Clocolan), Free State

Founded: 1906

The name Clocolan is a corruption of the Sotho, Hlohlolwane, meaning 'ridge of the battle'.


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Clocolan was renamed Hlohlolwane, reverting to its original Sotho name, in 2015.

List of references:

Maeder, GA & Zinn, C. 1917. Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren. Capetown: Cape Times. pp 187
Nienaber, PJ & Le Roux, CJP . 1983. Monumente en gedenktekens van die Oranje-Vrystaat. Roodepoort: CUM-Boeke. pp 22
Richardson, Deirdré. 2001. Historic Sites of South Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. pp 175

List of structures:

Barclays Bank: 1940.
Farm House: pre-1911.
Prynnsberg Manor: 1881-1884.
St George's Anglican Church: 1897.
St Saviour's Chapel, Prynnsberg Estate: 1898.