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LUITINGH, Hermanus Cornelus

Born: 1860 10 10
Died: 1926 05 23


Originally spelt LUIJTINGH. born in Garijp, Friesland. Luitingh was from Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands. His occupation is recorded as beer trader. In 1862 he married Hiltje Hendrina Alkema with whom he had eight children (Ploeger & de Kock, 1989:140-141). He served in the Department of Public Works of the South African Republic in 1895 being recorded as Supervisor appointed in temporary capacity to district works at a salary of £25 per month, although he is no longer on record in this capacity by 1897. He appears to have carried out some private work, based as he seems to have been, in Potchefstroom. Longlands Directory of 1899 records him as being The Head Overseer (Chief Supervisor) of Public Works in Potchefstroom. During the South African War he fought as Adjutant Lieutenant under General JC Smuts and was wounded at Frederikstad in 1901, captured and deported as prisoner of war to Shahahanpur, India. He was awarded the Republiekeinse Lint voor Wonden and also the Dekoratie voor Troue Dienst (Schoeman, 2011: 188). After the War he was appointed Town Engineer of Potchefstroom, (Ploeger, 1994: 89), a position he held until age 60 (Schoeman, 2011: 188). He was placed second in the competition for the Potchefstroom Town Hall in 1907. In 1909 he was practising in Ockerse Street, Potchefstroom. He was an active supporter of Louis Botha s Het Volk Party.

ISAA 1927. (Potch Mus Arc; SAMBF Jnl Oct 1907:17; UTD 1909)

All truncated references not fully cited in 'References' are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.

List of projects

With photographs
With notes

Gereformeerde Kerk: 1896. Potchefstroom, North West - Architect
King's Hotel: n.d.. Potchefstroom, North West - Architect
Landdrost, Post and Telegraph Office: 1896. Potchefstroom, North West - Project Architect

Books citing LUITINGH

Bakker, Karel A, Clarke, Nicholas J. 2014. Eclectic ZA Wilhelmiens : A shared Dutch built heritage in South Africa. Pretoria: Visual Books. pp 83, 87, 197

Harris, CT, Noëth, JG. 2010. Van seringboom tot kerkgebou : die argitektoniese erfenis van die Gereformeerde Kerke. Krugersdorp: Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika. pp 199

Kesting, DP. 1978. Afrikaans Protestantse kerkbou : erfenis en uitdaging. Port Elizabeth: Unpublished PhD. pp

Longland. 1979. Longland's Pretoria Directory for 1899 (Reprint No. 85). Pretoria: The State Library. pp 222

Ploeger, Jan. 1994. Nederlanders in die Transvaal 1850-1950. Pretoria: Van Schaik. pp 89

Ploeger, Jan & De Kock, Gideon de V. 1989. Nederlandse emigrasie na Suid-Afrika 1800-1900. Port Elizabeth: University of Port Elizabeth. pp 140-141

Rex, Hermann Moritz. 1974. Die Lewe en Werk van Sytze Wierda in Nederland met verwysing na sy betekenis vir die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek. Pretoria: Unpublished Ph.D. pp 376

Schoeman, Chris. 2011. Brothers in arms. Hollanders in the Anglo-Boer War. Cape Town: Zebra Press. pp 188