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Klipsaal, Sendingkerk - Stone Hall, Mission Church
Fraserburg, Northern Cape

Type:Church Hall

Die saal dateer uit 1884 en die klippe is met perdewaens vanaf 'n plaas met die naam Rooifontein deur die eienaar en die bouers uit die bruin gemeenskap aangery. Die klok dateer uit 1910 en daarna die kerk 1920. Die CSB (Christelike Sustersbond) van die NG Sendingkerk is deur wyle me. Minnie Hofmeyr, ook stigter van die eerste kollege vir bruin maatskaplike werkers op Worcester en na wie daardie kollege genoem is, tydens 'n geskiedkundige sitting van 'n streeksinode van die NG Sendingkerk op Fraserburg gestig. – Inligting verskaf deur Hendrik Boetie Opperman.
(Morné van Rooyen, August 2015)

The hall dates from 1884 and the stones were transported by horse carts from a farm by the name of Rooifontein by the owner and the builders from the coloured community. The bell dates from 1910 and thereafter the church 1920. The CSO (Christian Sisters' Organisation) of the Dutch Reformed Mission Church was founded by the late Ms. Minnie Hofmeyr, also the first college for coloured social workers in Worcester after whom that college is named, during a historic meeting of a regional synod of the Dutch Reformed Mission Church founded in Fraserburg. - Information provided by Hendrik Boetie Opperman.