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Gereformeerde Kerk
Bloemfontein, Free State

Hendrik Jacobus (Henri) LOUW: Design Architect
LOUW and MOERDYK: Architect

Type:Gereformeerde Kerk - Church
Status:Demolished 2015


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29°06'49.77" S 26°13'17.89" E Alt: 1393m

(SAB Oct 1927:47)

'n Eertydse Bloemfonteinse baken in Wes-Burgerstraat word platgeslaan.

Die ou Gereformeerde kerk Bloemfontein, wat in 2012 aan die Nic Georgiou-trust verkoop is, word nou gesloop.

Die kerkgebou wat 88 jaar lank bestaan, is weens 'n dalende lidmaattal van meer as 400 lidmate tot slegs 64 verkoop.

"Dit is 'n skok. Breek hulle hom dan nou regtig af?" was ds. Piet Lourens, die gemeente se laaste predikant, se reaksie op die nuus.

Lourens, wat 13 jaar by die kerk betrokke was, het gesê daar was in elk geval nie plek vir die Gereformeerde Kerk se bediening in die stad nie.

"Die Tweetoringkerk vervul die rol reeds en doen uitstekende werk."

Die inhoud van die kerk is met ander kerke gedeel toe dit drie jaar gelede verkoop is.

Die Gereformeerde kerk Oranjerivier in Orania het die pyporrel en die klok gekry en die Eden-kerk (Keurboomsrivier en Knysna) het die preekstoel en ronde Nagmaaltafels oorgeneem. Die kerkbanke en ander tafels is tussen dié kerk, asook kerke in Botshabelo en Phahameng, verdeel. Die hoekstene het na die Bloempark-kerk in Fichardtpark gegaan en die boekery word nou in die Gereformeerde Kerk se argief in Potchefstroom bewaar.

Lourens sê dit is vir hom bitter sleg dat die kerk platgeslaan word, maar ’n mens moet positief oor die ontwikkeling in die stad wees.

"As dit nie vir die Griek (Georgiou) was nie, was die stad in ’n chaos. Dit is vir my sleg, maar ek het juis verlede week in 'n foto gesien die vensterruite word baie mooi uitgehaal."

Die gemeente het ’n tyd lank in die Lutherse Kerk-gebou in Cachetstraat kerk gehou, maar het later ontbind.

"Ons moet onthou die kerk was nie die gemeente nie, maar net die gebou. Die lewe gaan altyd voort en ontwikkeling is onvermydelik," sê Lourens.

(Submitted by Morné van Rooyen, June 2015 Ref: Netwerk 24)


A former Bloemfontein landmark in West Burger Street is to be flattened.

The old Reformed Church, Bloemfontein, which was sold in 2012 to the Nic Georgiou Trust is now being demolished.

The church which existed for 88 years, was sold due to a declining membership from more than 400 members to only 64.

"It's a shock. Are they really going to break it down?" was ds. Piet Lourens, the church's last pastor's reaction to the news.

Lourens, who has been involved with the church for 13 years, said the Reformed Church's ministry in the city was redundant in any case.

"The Tweetoringkerk plays the role already and is doing a great job."

The content of the church was shared with other churches when it was sold three years ago.

The Reformed Church Oranjerivier in Orania got the pipe organ and the bell and the Eden Church (Keurbooms River and Knysna) took over the pulpit and round Communion tables. The pews and other tables were divided between this church and churches in Botshabelo and Phahameng. The cornerstones went to the Bloempark-kerk in Fichardt Park and the book collection is now kept in the Reformed Church archive in Potchefstroom.

Lourens said he finds it very painful that the church is to be demolished, but one should be optimistic about the development in the city.

"If not for the Greek (Georgiou), the city would be in chaos. It's distressing for me, but just last week I saw in a photo that the windows are being very neatly removed."

The congregation met for a while in the Lutheran Church in Cachet Street, but later disbanded.

"We must remember the church was not the congregation, but the building. Life always continues and development is inevitable," said Lourens.

Books that reference Gereformeerde Kerk

Kesting, DP. 1978. Afrikaans Protestantse kerkbou : erfenis en uitdaging. Port Elizabeth: Unpublished PhD. pg 824