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Civil Service Club
Cape Town, Western Cape

John PARKER: Architect 1897
WALGATE and ELSWORTH: Architect Alterations and additions 1934, 1939

Date:n.d. : 1897-1899
Status:Adaptive re-use
Street:Church Square


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33°55'30.24" S 18°25'18.72" E Alt: 25m

1897: Additions were done by John PARKER.
1934: Alterations done by WALGATE and ELSWORTH (Pryce-Lewis list 15 984; 16 817)
1939: Alterations done by WALGATE and ELSWORTH (Pryce-Lewis list 16 570)

The Civil Service Club amalgamated with and moved to the City Club in Queen Victoria Street in 1976. It was then re-named the City and Civil Service Club.

When inspected by Rennie in 1978 the building was standing empty. At some stage thereafter it was turned into offices, which it currently (2022) still is.

(SAB Nov 1934:87; Pryce-Lewis list various cited infra notes).

All truncated references not fully cited below are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.

Books that reference Civil Service Club

Botha, Colin Graham . 1939. The Civil Service Club, 1858-1938. Cape Town: Privately published. pg
Parker, Howard. 2015. John Parker, 1866-1921 : architect and mayor of Cape Town. Wellington, New Zealand: Howard Parker. pg 76
Rennie, John for CPIA. 1978. The Buildings of Central Cape Town 1978. Volume Two : Catalogue. Cape Town: Cape Provincial Institute of Architects. pg 218 item 66.17