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Trinity Wesleyan Church
Bloemfontein, Free State

Frederick William MASEY: Architect

Type:Methodist Church
Street:Charles St


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29°06'52.15" S 26°12'56.26" E Alt: 1391m

Cumming George 1933

THE cruciform plan of this church is of extreme simplicity comprising nave and choir, the latter flanked by clergy vestry on the north and choir room on the south, on which front is also a tower and side porch. Clergy and choir rooms have communication by means of a passage under the choir.

Externally the work is carried out in stone and red bricks. The details are late perpendicular Gothic with carefully designed doorways, cusped traceried windows and belfry openings. Valuable shadows are afforded by projecting buttresses and eaves.

Internally, the nave is divided into bays of brick piers connected by a brick dado and a dentelled brick band under the cornice; the panels thus formed being filled with cream coloured plaster. The main roof is of hammer beam construction. Doors, narthex and choir screens, pulpit, organ case and seating are in teak.

(SAB Dec 1927, suppl; SAAR Mar 1929:33, 34; SAAR Aug 1932:209-10 ill)

All truncated references not fully cited below are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.

Books that reference Trinity Wesleyan Church

Cumming-George, L. 1933. Architecture in South Africa - Volume One. Cape Town: The Speciality Press of S.A. Ltd.. pg 146
Greig, Doreen. 1971. A Guide to Architecture in South Africa. Cape Town: Howard Timmins. pg 84