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Author:Fisher, RC
Title:Visual Lexicon of the South African Dwelling - Visuele Leksikon van die Suid-Afrikaanse Woning
Place:Cape Town

Drawings by Frank Gaylard.

There is surely no better way to discover the manifold variety of South African architectural form than through a pictorial guide such as this one. The Visual Lexicon of the South African Dwelling functions as an instructional manual, but it also creates an opportunity to identify structure and ornamental building form for appreciation at an aesthetic level. It will be of value to anyone, from the professional architect to amateur home-maker, who takes an interest in building design.


1.   Site
2.   Endemic Dwelling
3.   Vernacular
4.   Neoclassical (Mannered)
6.   Front Gable
7.   End Gable
8.   Shapes
9.   Mathematical Solids
10. Arches
11. Arcuate Systems
12. Profiled Mouldings
13. Decorative Mouldings
14. Joinery
16. Timber Construction
17. Staircase
18. Door and Frame
19. Doors
22. Panelled Door
23. Locks
24. Door furniture
25. Hinges
26. Bricks
30. Brickwork Courses
31. Brickwork Bonds
32. Brickwork Joints
33. Brick Masonry
34. Roof Trusses
38. Roof Types
40. Thatch Roof
41. Slate Roof
42. Corrugated Iron Roof
44. Roof Tiles
46. Windows
50. Roof Features
51. Verandahs
52. Stone Wall
53. Stonework
54. Stone masonry
55. Tessellations
56. Garage Doors
57. Chimney
58. Kitchen
59. Bathroom
60. Water System
61. Electrical Circuit

1.   Erf
2.   Endemiese Woning
3.   Volks
4.   Neo-Klassiek (Gemaniëreerd)
6.   Voorgewels
7.   Entgewels
8.   Vorms
9.   Wiskundige Ruimteliggame
10. Boë
11. Boogboustelsels
12. Profiellyste
13. Sierlyste
14. Skrynwerk
16. Houtkonstruksie
17. Trap
18. Deur en Raam
19. Deure
22. Paneeldeur
23. Slotte
24. Deurbeslag
25. Skarniere
26. Bakstene
30. Baksteenlae
31. Baksteenverbande
32. Baksteenvoeë
33. Baksteenmesselwerk
34. Dakkappe
38. Daktipes
40. Grasdak
41. Leiklipdak
42. Sinkdak
44. Dakpanne
46. Vensters
50. Dakkenmerke
51. Stoepe
52. Klipmuur
53. Klipwerk
54. Klipmesselwerk
55. Teëlpatrone
56. Motorhuisdeure
57. Skoorsteen
58. Kombuis
59. Badkamer
60. Waterstelsel
61. Stroombaan

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