Commin lived and practised in Wynberg, Cape Town from Calder's Chambers in the Main Road when he registered as a member of the Institute of South African Architects in 1927. His residential address at the time was Montana Vista in Aliwal Road. He registered as a probationer of the RIBA in 1922 or 1923 in Wynberg. At some point he established practice with FN BANFIELD as in 1959 he is recorded as a principal in the partnership of COMMIN and BANFIELD of Calder's Chambers, Main Road Wynberg.
All truncated references not fully cited in 'References' are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.
16 Flats for MHP Warr: 1938. Rondebosch, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
2 Flats for C McCarthy: 1930. Claremont, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
2 Shops and house for H Hessen: 1927. Oranjezicht, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
3 Shops and 4 flats for B Barnet: 1931. Retreat, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
32 Flats for R Brown: 1941. Muizenberg, Western Cape - Architect *
4 Flats and garage for CS Wainstein: 1930. Muizenberg, Western Cape - Architect *
4 Shops and 4 flats for M Levy: 1929. District Six, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
6 Flats and 2 garages for Messrs Swirling and De Lorenz: 1933. Gardens, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
6 Flats and garages: 1933. Tamboerskloof, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
African Clothing (premises and factory): 1937. District Six, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
House and garage for EC Smith: 1936. Muizenberg, Western Cape - Architect *
House Brown - Arlington: 1940. Kalk Bay, Western Cape - Architect *
Model Engineering Works garage for CK Jennings: 1929. Kenilworth, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
Premises for RE Bowyer: 1937. Central, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
Premises [undescribed] for CHR Goodspeed: 1933. Oranjezicht, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
Premises [undescribed] for JW Pickup: 1933. Wynberg, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
Premises [unspecified] for C McCarthy: 1933. Muizenberg, Western Cape - Architect *
Shop and office for KM Hendrikse and EJ Hendrikse: 1937. Wynberg, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
Shops, offices and associated facilities for HM Bowyer (Hillwood House [?]): 1935. Claremont, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *