According to the Civil Service Lists of the Orange River Colony Frank TAYLOR was appointed to the PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT in the Orange River Colony in April 1902 and was appointed Secretary for Public Works and chief architect of the Orange River Colony. In or around 1904 TAYLOR retired from practice and in May 1904 GWH GORDON was appointed Director of Public Works for the Orange River Colony in South Africa with headquarters in Bloemfontein where he died at the end of 1906. LH GODFREY was appointed to the post of 1st grade draughtsman in the PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, Orange River Colony in 1902 and became acting chief architect of the PWD, Orange River Colony in 1907 on the death of GWH GORDON in December 1906. It would seem that TAYLOR was recalled as by 1908 he was again recorded as the chief architect to the government of the colony and as a result was responsible for the design and execution of numerous public buildings of this period. These works included new buildings at Grey College and the foundation buildings of Grey University College in Bloemfontein, today forming part of the University of the Free State. Taylor was architect in charge of the Legislative Council Chambers and offices of the Government Buildings in Bloemfontein.
Following the reorganisation of the entire Civil Service upon Union, TAYLOR was appointed to the post of District Engineer grade 1 in 1912 since by now all public works in the Orange Free State were designed in the PWD in Pretoria. In the same year he transferred to the post of District Engineer to Pretoria where he remained for the rest of his career until his retirement in 1931.
Practitioners working for the Public Works Department of the Orange River Colony after the Anglo-Boer War and before 1910.
CLARKE, John Daniel
CUTHBERT, Charles Davenport
DEUCHAR, Charles Cunnold
GODFREY, Leopold Henry
GORDON, George William Hamilton
HARRISON, John Edwin
HARVEY, Norman
MacKENZIE, John Fraser
MOGER, Horace
SCHOLTE, Anton Hendrik
SCOTT, Robert William
STEWARDSON, Robert Ernest
WILLOUGHBY-WILLIAMS, John All truncated references not fully cited in 'References' are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon. List of projects With photographs With notes